utenti connessi Trump Rips Mitt Romney to Shreds – Slaps America’s Top RINO with the Perfect 1-Word Label – Conservatives News

Trump Rips Mitt Romney to Shreds – Slaps America’s Top RINO with the Perfect 1-Word Label


Well, it doesn’t look like Mitt Romney will be having a role in a possible second Trump administration. The Utah senator voted against Trump in the left’s second impeachment attack. He was censured by his home state. Did he learn from this? Nope! He is even calling on big donors to turn against Trump and get behind someone else.

Many Republicans consider Romney to be a RINO; some have even called him a “secret Democrat.” Donald Trump decided to weigh in on Mitt’s recent claims. And the former president held nothing back. Romney is going to need to look for some burn cream!

From Breitbart:

“Mitt’s a loser. He’s been a loser for a long time,” Trump said…

“He’s a terrible Republican. I think he’s terrible for the nation also. I saw him marching with the Antifa and the groups down in Washington with his mask on—you couldn’t even see his face. They were marching, and these were real terrorists—very bad people he was marching with. He didn’t even know the difference.”

Ouch! Trump laid into RINO Romney when he called him a “loser.” The former president ridiculed Romney’s losing record. He even claimed that Romney marched with “Antifa” in Washington, wearing a COVID face diaper.

Trump then said he believe Utah will replace Mitt Romney. The senator is currently facing a tough re-election primary. The former president said that the “great state” will pick the “right” candidate to beat Romney.

It is likely that Republicans in Utah will select another candidate to take Romney’s place. The Republican Party of Utah has not been happy with Mitt even since he turned on Trump. Other Republicans who attacked Trump, post-2020, have been primaried out. Chances are, Romney is next.

Source: Breitbart