Is This What REALLY Happened To Joan Rivers Before She Died Suddenly?
Welcome to another edition of “I saved this video before Facebook, YouTube and Twitter could delete it forever!”
That’s right.
They want this absolutely wiped off the internet, but I saved it.
And it’s now safe on Rumble where it can’t be taken down.
Do you remember what Joan Rivers said right before she suddenly dropped dead?
What she said about OBAMA?
I do.
Take a look:
This is one of the most BANNED videos of all time! I’m just placing it here for safe keeping.
— President-Elect BeachMilk BeachMilk Tuesday, October 20, 2020
And backed up to Rumble:
And then she dropped dead days later?
When she was perfectly healthy?
His Real name is Michael LaVaughn Robinson!!!
— I'LL BE BACK!!! (@DavidYeshua4) November 29, 2020
In other words: