utenti connessi CNN Host Drops Historic Insult on Live TV – And Millions of Trump Voters Are Raging in Reply – Conservatives News

CNN Host Drops Historic Insult on Live TV – And Millions of Trump Voters Are Raging in Reply


Leftists love to insult people they believe they can bully and control. This has been going on for years as Democrats’ political control over there most supportive demographics continues to fade.

People around the country have been waking up to how the leftists really feel about them. Faithful Democrats are realizing they are considered as nothing more than election fodder to the politicians they support. Once the votes are tallied, the Democrats shift from focusing on the people to pushing their personal agendas.

Heading into the 2024 presidential election this fall, Democrats are furious that anyone who traditionally supported them would dare begin to think outside the leftist narrative. These leftists are now insulting the very people that have supported them for generations and the leftist mouthpieces in the media are leading the charge.

From Blaze Media:
Ana Navarro has gone after fellow Latinos who have expressed their support for former President Donald Trump amid the 2024 presidential election. She said their behavior toward immigration is “very stupid,” according to the Daily Mail.

She said that some among the Latino population have forgotten about their own roots and believe that being anti-immigrant will allow them to better assimilate into American society. She went on to suggest that such a mindset contributes to the fissuring in American society.

“There are some Latino immigrants who forget they came here as immigrants and who want to shut the door behind them, and who think being anti-immigrant somehow is going to make them pass as more American, pass as whatever. And that’s a very stupid attitude to have.”

Her dog-whistle call is likely to fail miserably as Latinos across America are flocking to Trump instead of bowing to Biden. Navarro and her leftist media cronies can’t stand this reality and have nothing left in their quiver of leftist nonsense other than straight up insults.

Navarro’s insult followed a wildly successful Trump rally in the heart of Democrat territory in New York City. His rally in the Bronx on Thursday drew a substantial crowd that was estimated to be between 8,000 and 10,000 people in attendance by local officials. The Trump campaign estimated there were around 25,000 people based on everyone who flocked to the event.

The diverse crowd at the Bronx rally included all the voter demographics Democrats must hold onto to win in November. Latinos were present in numbers that showed a growing support for Trump among this voting bloc.

Trump didn’t mince words when criticizing illegal immigration and brought up cases of rape, abuse, and the spread of disease among immigrant populations. There have been more than 7 million illegal immigrants flood into the U.S. under the current presidential administration, far more than when Trump was in the White House.

CNN pundits were forced to acknowledge that Trump has increased his support among Latinos and African American voters this election cycle. One CNN anchor even admitted that this growing support is “a threat to the president’s re-election campaign.”

Expect more of these leftist attacks against Trump and his growing support among a diverse group of voters as his campaign rumbles toward November.

Source: Blaze Media