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New Poll Shows 25-Point Shift Among Independents in 2024 Race


Over the summer, political analysts and media outlets seemed to be working overtime to convince Americans that Vice President Kamala Harris was on track to win the upcoming election. They paraded around polls showing Harris leading despite her lack of popularity.

These “polls” conveniently surfaced at a time when Harris was trailing behind in the eyes of the general public, but somehow, the numbers suggested she was on the rise. Fishy? Absolutely. The media’s manipulation of data is nothing new, but this summer, it felt like they were trying extra hard to pull the wool over voters’ eyes.

You could almost hear the gears turning in the offices of news outlets as they carefully crafted headlines to sell the narrative: “Harris Gaining Ground!” “Harris Leading Among Key Voters!” Sure, maybe they were asking the same five people from her own party over and over again, but when the mainstream media wants to push a storyline, they will find a way.

Polls can be easily manipulated depending on how the questions are phrased and who’s being asked. In this case, it seems they were banking on the public, not noticing the sleight of hand. But now, as the election looms closer, the truth is finally coming out. The latest numbers don’t look good for Harris.

From Daily Wire:
The Gallup poll shows Harris at a dismal 35% approval rating among independents with 60% of the voting group disapproving of the vice president. Trump’s approval rating among independents is underwater by 9 points — 44% approve of him while 53% disapprove. Among all U.S. adults, Trump has an advantage over Harris with a 46% approval rating to Harris’ 44% approval rating, according to Gallup.

According to a recent Gallup poll, Harris is severely underwater with independent voters, boasting an approval rating of just 35% with a whopping 60% disapproving. Ouch. Trump, while not in stellar shape himself, is still outperforming her among independents with a 44% approval rating—9 points higher than Harris.

Among all U.S. adults, Trump has a slight edge as well, clocking in at 46% approval versus Harris’ 44%. Despite the media’s best efforts to boost Harris, the numbers tell a very different story.

This is a serious red flag for the Harris campaign. Independent voters are crucial in swinging elections, and Harris is clearly struggling to win them over. Even in her own party, where her approval is at a solid 94%, she can’t seem to shake the public’s growing skepticism.

Meanwhile, Trump enjoys near-unanimous support from Republicans, standing strong with a 91% approval among his base. The battle for the White House is tight, but Harris needs to find a way to connect with those in the middle—fast.

Political experts are already chiming in with their concerns. Fox News columnist David Marcus noted how this poll “tracks” with conversations he’s had across the country, adding that Harris needs to turn things around before it’s too late.

Clay Travis, founder of Outkick, pointed out that Harris’ numbers with independents are a major liability, and it’s no wonder the campaign is keeping her more hidden as election day approaches. According to Travis, “The more people see her, the less they like her.”

The path to victory is looking increasingly narrow for Harris, especially in the battleground states that will decide the election. States like Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, and Pennsylvania will be critical, and both Trump and Harris are neck and neck in these pivotal areas.

The RealClearPolitics average currently shows them tied at 47.8% in the battlegrounds, with Trump holding small leads in Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina. Harris, on the other hand, is barely ahead in Michigan, Nevada, and Wisconsin.

It’s clear that both candidates have work to do in the final stretch, but Harris’ steep uphill battle with independent voters could be the deciding factor. While the media tried to paint a rosier picture over the summer, the reality is now undeniable: Harris is not connecting with the voters she needs to win over.

As election day looms closer, her team will need to pull out all the stops if they hope to close the gap and secure the win. But as of now, it seems the polls are finally telling the truth—and it’s not the story the Harris campaign was hoping for.

Key Takeaways:

  • Over the summer, media outlets promoted misleading polls suggesting Kamala Harris was leading, despite her declining popularity.
  • A new Gallup poll reveals Harris has only 35% approval among independent voters, with Trump ahead at 44%.
  • Both candidates are tied in key battleground states, but Harris is struggling to win over crucial independent voters.

Source: Daily Wire