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Bill Clinton Reveals All About His Meltdown After Hillary’s 2016 Defeat – ‘I Couldn’t Sleep For Two Years’


Democrats are still in shock that Donald Trump beat Kamala Harris in the presidential election. Indeed, heading into this election, Democrats thought that there was no way that Trump could actually come out victorious.

The smug confidence that Democrats had going into Election Day was very reminiscent of the 2016 election. Back then, liberals were positive that Hillary Clinton would defeat Trump and become the first female president of the United States.

Unfortunately for Democrats everywhere, however, both Hillary and Kamala ended Election Day as presidential losers. Now, Hillary’s husband Bill is opening up about the massive meltdown that he had after her loss. He’s even confessed that this tantrum lasted for years!

From Daily Mail:
‘The whole thing is hard for me to write,’ he says in Citizen – My Life After The White House. ‘I couldn’t sleep for two years after the election. I was so angry, I wasn’t fit to be around.’

‘I apologize to all those who endured my outbursts of rage, which lasted for years and bothered or bored people who thought it pointless to rehash things that couldn’t be changed.’

Pointing to his wife’s calamitous loss of a six-point polling lead, he writes that: ‘Almost two years after the election, Kathleen Hall Jamieson, a highly regarded social scientist said Russia‘s cyber attacks piled on top of Comey’s interventions were effective enough to persuade voters in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin to vote for third parties or stay at home. If so, Putin‘s enablers were Comey and the political press.’

The Entitlement Of The Clintons
This perfectly captures just how entitled the Clintons have always been. They saw the presidency as something that naturally belonged to Hillary, rather than something that she needed to earn herself. While on the campaign trail, Hillary went so far as to label the millions of Americans who planned to vote for Trump as being “deplorables,” as she figured that she had more than enough votes from the rest of the country to win.

Much to Hillary and Bill’s shock and horror, however, this wasn’t the case at all. Instead, Trump secured more than enough votes to win the Electoral College.

Hillary has been exemplifying what it means to be a sore loser ever since, as she’s been bashing Trump seemingly every chance she gets. Now, Bill has confirmed that he’s just as much of a bitter loser as his wife is. Sad!

The Clintons and their fellow Democrats should have learned from this experience that underestimating Trump is never a good idea. Despite this, they went into the 2024 presidential election with the same smug cockiness that they had in 2016. Sadly for them, history repeated itself, and Trump came out on top once again. This time, however, Trump was victorious not only in the Electoral College, but also in the popular vote.

Trump managed to win each of these elections even with both Bill and Hillary Clinton campaigning against him with everything they have. This just goes to show just how irrelevant the Clintons have become. In the end, Bill and Hillary can kick and scream all that they want to, but it won’t stop Trump from being president again!

Key Takeways:
Bill Clinton is admitting to being “so angry” after Trump defeated Hillary in 2016.
Bill “couldn’t sleep for two years after the election.”
Bill still blames Russia, Comey, and the media for Hillary’s loss.
Source: Daily Mail

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