utenti connessi BOOM! You Think Trump’s ‘Dirty Talk’ Is Bad? Look What WE Just DUG UP On Hillary… [VID] – Conservatives News

BOOM! You Think Trump’s ‘Dirty Talk’ Is Bad? Look What WE Just DUG UP On Hillary… [VID]


The Clinton campaign, via the Washington Post released audio and video of Donald Trump talking about women in a way that has offended some people.

He has apologized.

But the media just wouldn’t let go of this non-story even though the Clintons have said and done 100 times worse things.

It’s ridiculous.

Hillary paints Trump as a sexist and how he treats women badly and blah, blah, blah.

Well, Hillary has some nasty history herself and my fellow journalist, AMANDA PRESTIGIACOMO from The Daily Wire has put together an impressive list of times when Mrs. Clinton has been accused of threatening, smearing and targeting women her husband has sexually assaulted or carried out consensual affairs with.

Here are seven of those instances:

1. Hillary smears Gennifer Flowers; calls her “trailer-trash.”

In an ABC News interview in 1992, Hillary smears Gennifer Flowers, a women Bill would later admit to having an affair with, as “some failed cabaret singer who doesn’t even have much of a résumé to fall back on.” Hillary also referred to Flowers as “trailer trash.”

2. Hillary slams former White House intern Monica Lewinsky as a “narcissistic loony toon” after she had consensual relations with her husband in the Oval Office.

CBS News reports: “According to the friend, Diane Blair — a political science professor whose papers were donated to the University of Arkansas Special Collections library – Hillary Clinton credited Bill Clinton with trying to break away from Lewinsky, whom she called a ‘narcissistic loony toon.’”

3. Hillary, defending an alleged rapist, smears his 12-year-old alleged rape victim, claiming the young girl had a “tendency to seek out older men.” She also laughs on tape over the cunning way she had vital evidence dismissed, destroying the alleged rape victim’s case. 

“I have been informed that the complainant is emotionally unstable with a tendency to seek out older men and engage in fantasizing,” Hillary wrote in the affidavit about the 12-year-old girl.

Hillary is even captured on tape laughing at the fact that she got the only piece of evidence against her client dismissed: “He took a lie detector test. I had him take a polygraph, which he passed, which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs,” Hillary says, audibly laughing.

The alleged rape victim told The Daily Beast what she would say to Hillary if she ever has the chance: “‘You took a case of mine in ’75, you lied on me… I realize the truth now, the heart of what you’ve done to me. And you are supposed to be for women? You call that [being] for women, what you done to me? And I hear you on tape laughing.’”

4. Hillary disparagingly refers to the numerous women her husband was involved with as “bimbos.”

In 1991, Mrs. Clinton called the onslaught of women accusing her husband of sexual misconduct or consensual infidelity as the “bimbo eruption.”

YouTube video courtesy of blah blah

5. Hillary reportedly threatens Juanita Broaddrick, Bill’s alleged rape victim, into silence at a political fundraiser after the accused rape. 

According to Broaddrick, Hillary threatened her while knowing her husband had raped her:

Hillary sought out Broaddrick at the political fundraiser after Bill had raped her; she grabbed her hand and “thanked her” for “everything” she had done for Bill. Feeling frightened, Broaddrick says she tried to turn around and leave, but Hillary allegedly squeezed her hand tighter and wouldn’t let her go.

Broaddrick told The Daily Wire that there was “no way” Hillary did not intend for that interaction to be construed as a threat.

“So many people have said since then that, ‘Maybe she just knew that you had been with him, maybe he hadn’t told her the complete description of what he’d done to you,’” she said. “I still feel like she knew.”

6. “I mean, I would crucify her,” Hillary says of Gennifer Flowers.

Hillary “told Esquire magazine in 1992 that if she had the chance to cross-examine Flowers, ‘I mean, I would crucify her,’” notes The Washington Post. 

7. “[W]e have to destroy her story,” Hillary allegedly said of one woman state troopers sought out for her husband to have a sexual encounter with. 

As noted by National Review: “When a rock groupie alleged that a state trooper approached her on Governor Clinton’s behalf, Hillary said ‘we have to destroy her story.’”


Pretty unbelievable huh?

I’d like to thank AMANDA PRESTIGIACOMO from The Daily Wire for fighting the good fight- nice job! 

Let us know what you think in the comments below.

God Bless.