contatore free BREAKING: Audio Analysis Is 100% Clear Trump& Crowd Were Shot At By Two Separate People – Conservatives News

BREAKING: Audio Analysis Is 100% Clear Trump& Crowd Were Shot At By Two Separate People


Jovan Pulitzer was the first to break the news that the kid everyone is blaming for the Trump shooting was not the real shooter.

He was a patsy.

A fall guy.

The man designed to take all the blame, then be shot dead (dead men tell no tales) and then no one would ever talk about the assassination attempt ever again.

Or at least that was the plan.

But then people started piecing together a bunch of forensic evidence that didn’t make any sense and realizing there had to be a second shooter (perhaps more than one).

And now more evidence is coming out to confirm exactly what Jovan told us.

Big thanks to a reader for sending me this next video.

Excellent job by a YouTube channel called “Peak Prosperity”.

They’ve done a deep dive into the audio of the shooting and confirmed there were TWO shooters.

And no, that’s not referring to the return snipers.

This is excellent analysis, watch here (and share!):

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