utenti connessi Democrat Whip Clark’s Daughter Arrested On 3 Charges – They Slap the Cuffs on Her for Assaulting a Police Officer – Conservatives News

Democrat Whip Clark’s Daughter Arrested On 3 Charges – They Slap the Cuffs on Her for Assaulting a Police Officer


When “Defund the Police” became a rallying cry for leftists, it made life much more difficult for law enforcement officers around the country. The anti-police sentiment was growing to alarming levels.

And while some of that has abated, it seems clear that certain activists are still going after law enforcement. This includes the daughter of a Democrat leader in Washington, too.

Boston authorities arrested someone they referred to as “Jared Dowell,” which is presumably Clark’s daughter — previously, she spoke about how one of her children is non-binary.

Now, it seems this non-binary individual is on the wrong end of the law, and might not get off very lightly.

Police were called to the Parkman Bandstand Monument in the Boston Common on Saturday evening, after getting reports of protesters.

When they got there, they found Dowell allegedly spray-painting “ACAB” – “All Cops Are Bastards” – and “No Cop City” on the monument. The result is as follows (from Fox News):

Riley Dowell, 23, was arrested and charged with assault with a dangerous weapon, destruction or injury of personal property, and damage of property by graffiti.

Assaulting an officer and defacing a monument aren’t likely to be brushed off, and it’s possible that Riley might get some actual punishment.

As for Katherine Clark, she posted the following on Twitter:

Riley was reportedly one of about 20 protesters that “began to surround officers while screaming profanities through megaphones on the public street causing traffic to come to a standstill.”

Later, when Riley was being brought into custody, some of the protesters interfered with the arrest and “an officer was hit in the face and could be seen bleeding from the nose and mouth.”

Clark is the second-highest ranking Democrat in the House of Representatives, so this unsurprisingly got plenty of headlines across the country.

Recently, we’ve seen cities were “defund the police” sentiments resulted in crime surges throughout the area, and the blatant attacks on officers – verbally and physically – is something that the nation can’t ignore.

The anti-cop movement seems to only bring more violence to the streets, and makes it tougher for police to do an already-difficult job.

Key Takeaways:

  • Democratic Whip Katherine Clark’s daughter was arrested on 3 charges after participating in an anti-police protest.
  • Riley Dowell is reportedly a non-binary individual, and the protest resulted in an attack on a police officer.
  • Clark replied saying “this will be evaluated by the legal system, and I am confident in that process.”

Source: Fox News