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Top MSM Leader Throws Tantrum After Elon Musk Sends Brutal Message To The Media


he mainstream media has been in full panic mode ever since Donald Trump destroyed their beloved Kamala Harris in the presidential election. Contrary to what most media outlets had been predicting for months, Trump demolished Harris not only in the Electoral College but also in the popular vote.

This was a terrifying wakeup call for the mainstream media, as Trump’s decisive win showed just how irrelevant they have become. Indeed, it made it glaringly obvious just how out of touch the elites of the mainstream media are with the wants and needs of the average American.

The morning after the election, the X (formerly Twitter) founder Elon Musk took to social media to tell his followers, “You are the media now.” In the weeks since then, Musk has repeated this many times.

Let’s just say this hasn’t sat well with the members of the mainstream media, who are waking up to how obsolete they have become.

Last week, Axios CEO Jim VandeHei had a full meltdown over Musk’s comments. While being honored with the National Press Club’s Fourth Estate Award, VandeHei came completely unglued.

“I hate this damn debate about, like, ‘Oh, we don’t need the media,’” the Axios CEO said, later arguing that, for journalists, “Everything we do is under fire. Elon Musk sits on Twitter every day, or X today, saying, like, ‘We are the media! You are the media!’ My message to Elon Musk is: ‘Bulls—. You’re not the media.”

“You having a blue checkmark, a Twitter handle, and 300 words of cleverness doesn’t make you a reporter any more than me looking at your head and seeing that you have a brain and telling you I have an awesome set of tools makes me a damn neurosurgeon, right? Like, what we do, what journalists do, what you did in Mississippi, what Al Jazeera does in the Middle East.”

VandeHei then appeared to call out Musk again, “You proclaim yourself to be a reporter? Like, that’s nonsense. Like, being a reporter is hard, really hard. You have to care. You have to do the hard work. You have to get up every single day and say, ‘I want to get to the closest approximation of the truth without any fear, without any favoritism.’ You don’t do that by popping off on Twitter. You don’t do that by having an opinion. You do it by doing the hard work.”

Check out VandeHei’s full tantrum in the video below.

Musk Hit A Nerve

It sure looks like Musk hit a nerve with this guy!

Perhaps members of the mainstream media like VandeHei should have spent the past few years reporting on what’s actually going on in this country. They could have reported on the many failures of the Biden-Harris administration that have left millions of Americans struggling just to put food on the table.

Instead, the mainstream media continued to ignore much of the failures of Harris and Joe Biden, instead focusing the bulk of their attention on bashing Trump.

In the end, members of the mainstream media only have themselves to blame when it comes to how irrelevant they are now. Sorry, VandeHei, but Musk is right: WE are the media now!

Key Takeaways: 

  • Musk tells his followers, “You are the media now.”
  • Axios CEO has a full meltdown over this.
  • The mainstream media is realizing how irrelevant they’ve become.

Source: Fox News

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