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Don Lemon Claims Elon Musk “Cancelled Him” After Bad Interview; Musk Responds


Is cancel culture striking Elon Musk’s X platform?

And is it striking at the request of Elon himself?

Don Lemon says yes.

We say….not so fast.

Flashback a few months ago and Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon were both fired in the same week.

Fired for much different reasons, but clearly a sign of where things are headed.

One of the last death knells to Legacy Media.

Now back to today and Tucker is THRIVING with his new show….hitting ratings that Fox News could only dream of, even eclipsing the Super Bown with some interviews.


He’s suffered something of a “failure to launch” with no show available yet, and his first episode (an interview with Elon Musk) already going so, so badly for him.

Lemon posted this (ironically to X) earlier today claiming that Elon Musk cancelled t he “Don Lemon Show”:

Of course the irony is that Lemon posted his complaint to the platform he claimed to be cancelled from.

I have a little experience with Cancel Culture.

I have TWICE been completely cancelled off of Facebook.


Wiped clean, as if I never existed.

Interestingly, both times was when I hit 1.5 MILLION Trump-supporting Followers on Facebook.

We were growing fast and reaching millions each month….

And that was too much for Zuck, so even though we violated NO RULE either time, he clicked a button and POOF we were gone.


Now here’s the thing that I experienced after I was deleted, twice, from Faceook….I was not able to post a video complaining about it after it happened.



And yet here is Don Lemon posting a video ON X claiming he’s been cancelled FROM X.

Oh the irony.

Perhaps he just isn’t that smart?

He also released this passive-aggressive, whiney statement:

Zoom in:

Both X the platform and Elon Musk personally have responded.

From X:

From Elon:

Sorry Don, perhaps you’re just not very good?

No one wants to watch that crap anymore?

I also specifically remember when Tucker launched his show on Twitter/X that Elon made clear Tucker was not in partnership with X, but merely had the same access as anyone to launch and grow his show on the platform.

He took advantage and has thrived….because America wants to hear what he has to say?


A show full of drivel that hasn’t even launched yet and already sucks.

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