contatore free Eric Swalwell Picks Fight With GOP Nominee, Gets Humiliated: “I’m black, I’m in an interracial marriage, I have two biracial daughters and yet the white “intellectual” Democrat from California is lecturing me on racism – Conservatives News

Eric Swalwell Picks Fight With GOP Nominee, Gets Humiliated: “I’m black, I’m in an interracial marriage, I have two biracial daughters and yet the white “intellectual” Democrat from California is lecturing me on racism


Dem Rep and failed presidential candidate from California, Eric Swalwell, took to social media to complain about the bombshell leak from the Supreme Court effectively ending Roe v Wade and made some ridiculous claims.

Thankfully, Wesley Hunt, an African American GOP nominee for Congress, shut down the hysterical California Dem. The new thing from the Dems is that ending Roe will lead to laws against interracial marriages because it is the same legal argument. This despite Justice Alito specifically saying it would not and the fact that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is in an interracial marriage.

Eric said: “The Republicans won’t stop with banning abortion. They want to ban interracial marriage. Do you want to save that? Well, then you should probably vote.

Wesley Hunt said: “Hi Eric, my name is Wesley Hunt, I’m a Republican nominee in a Congressional District that is 70% white.

“I’m black, I’m in an interracial marriage, and my wife and I have two biracial daughters. Republicans are celebrating diversity while white liberals like yourself race-bait.”

Eric said:

“Hey Wesley, your problem isn’t with me.

“It’s with @SenatorBraun who said states should be able to ban interracial marriages like yours. 

“He’s a senator in YOUR party.

“Looks like you’re just another Republican who is in denial of what your colleagues say. 

“Party over country, right?

Hunt said:

“Eric, here we go again.

“ My problem is with you. 

“You’ve never been black a day in your life, and yet the white “intellectual” Democrat from California is lecturing me on racism. 

“ And for the record, don’t lecture me on country over party either, I served in combat, did you?”

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