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FBI Official Makes 1 Stunning Confession – Josh Hawley’s Jaw Drops Over the Number He Revealed


“Big Brother is watching you” has been a fear fueling the distrust of the federal government for decades. Generations of Americans have lived cautiously knowing that at any time some G-man could ruin your world.

Mainstream media, political leaders, and regime-pleasing people in general have scoffed at the idea that “Big Brother” could be spying on you. But, oh, how wrong they are.

Top G-man Paul Abbate, FBI deputy director, just let the cat out of the bag about how the feds do indeed spy on Americans. His confession faced a fiery grilling from Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.).

From The Daily Caller:

Abbate testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee, where Hawley grilled him as to why the FBI would not commit to publicly releasing the 1023 form relating to President Joe Biden and his alleged foreign business dealings. Abbate said doing so would endanger the life of the document’s source, prompting Hawley to argue the source’s name could be redacted.

Abbate then said Hawley should take the source’s safety “seriously.”

“I also take seriously the fact that your institution has repeatedly abused its authority, has repeatedly targeted political opponents … Your institution is the one that, according to the court, the FISA court, ran 278,000 unwarranted — probably illegal — queries on Americans, right? That was your institution, correct?” Hawley asked.

The G-man tried to dismiss Hawley’s assessment as nothing more than a “compliance” issue. Hawley was relentless in his verbal attack, demanding answers for accountability.

“Compliance. You characterized the unlawful querying, 278,000 times, of American citizens as ‘compliance issues’?” Hawley pressed.

“We’ve said before, I’ve said, that [it’s] totally unacceptable,” Abbate said.

“Who’s been fired for it?” Hawley asked.

Hawley couldn’t pull a straight answer from this company man. From there it was nothing more than a “word salad” as Hawley described it. The G-man was verbally dancing around any questions about FBI integrity and lawlessness.

From The Daily Caller:

“Wow,” Hawley said, visibly shocked. “278,000 times, American citizens’ information was queried by your agency unintentionally? That’s your testimony?”

“I would want to go back and check it,” Abbate said.

“So you don’t know?” Hawley asked.

“My understanding is that likely all are — were unintentional.”

“‘Likely all.’ So first it was ‘all of them,’ then it was ‘vast majority,’ now it’s ‘likely all,’ so ‘you don’t know’ is the answer to the question?”

“I don’t know the answer as we sit here today but I will find–”

Um, stumble, um stutter, um, well maybe… Hawley had enough and cut him off because there weren’t going to be any straight answers from this regime solder. Hawley had enough and moved on.

The people who can’t move on from the shadowy government overreach are U.S. citizens. The U.S. Constitution must be at the forefront of all government actions. Political leaders can’t let these bureaucratic law enforcement agencies rule over the people.

If the United States is to remain free, the tyranny of secret federal agencies must end.

Key Takeaways:

  • S. senator shocked by FBI spying confession.
  • Senator Hawley won’t let FBI top dog hide from questioning.
  • The sanctity of privacy in America fades more each day.

Source: The Daily Caller

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