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FOX NEWS CONFIRMS: There Were At Least THREE Shooters!


Well, well, well….it looks like our reporting was SPOT ON once again….and about 5 days before Fox News figured it out.

Actually, I don’t want to imply that it was anything I did.

No, I simply talk to the right people and have good sources.

All the credit for this one goes to Jovan Pulitzer, who told me this back on Tuesday of this week in our interview that has since gone absolutely viral.

And for good reason.

Because Jovan was not only early in his analysis, but he was dead on in everything he was telling me.

Let’s take a moment to see the new update from Fox News and then I’ll tell you everything Jovan told me.

A USSS sn*per was the one who took out Crooks in what they call a “one in a million shot.”

“We’re also told a local police sn*per took a single shot as well, but missed.”

Ok, so now let’s analyze what Jovan told me.

Because I think what’s happening here is what the MSM always does….

They slow drip the truth, and it’s never quite the real truth, it’s always some deviation of the real truth, but they have to slow drip it to move the narrative from what they initially told you — because they’re usually so wrong it takes a lot of effort and a long time for them to gradually drift towards the truth.

And the truth here is that Jovan believes there were indeed two snipers, but not in the way Fox News explains it.

Not two different snipers for the good guys….but two different snipers for the bad guys!

In other words, a second shooter who was the REAL shooter.  The kid was just the patsy, designed to distract everyone from the real shooter.

That’s Jovan’s take.

So why is Fox News now coming out and admitting there was a THIRD shooter?

Because it’s undeniable at this point that there were at least three shooters.

That dam has broken.

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