utenti connessi Jim Jordan Gets 1 Surprise Path to Speaker Victory – This Trick Hasn’t Been Used Since the Civil War – Conservatives News

Jim Jordan Gets 1 Surprise Path to Speaker Victory – This Trick Hasn’t Been Used Since the Civil War


War is heating up in the Middle East and political infighting is growing in the U.S. Congress. War and politics make for some odd allies at times and sometimes unconventional methods are needed to win in either arena.

The House still speaker and even though Republicans hold the majority they haven’t been able to elect someone they all believe is worthy to wield the speaker’s gavel. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) is the speaker-elect, but he has already failed in two vote counts.

A small group of Republicans are keeping Jordan from securing a majority vote and GOP members are considering a procedural move that hasn’t been used in more than a century. It is risky, but may be the surprise path to victory for Jordan before all support for him falls apart.

From Fox News:
Jordan does not necessarily need to get the required House majority to take the gavel. The House has elected a speaker a few times in history on a plurality rather than an outright majority.

Changing the vote threshold is a possibility because the House is allowed to decide how the speaker election is held. Only two plurality elections to decide the House speaker have been held in American history. These last occurred in 1849 and in 1856 when there were multiple political parties represented in the House. This hasn’t happened in the modern, two-party system.

Jordan, the House Judiciary Committee chairman, has made headway in flipping key “no” votes in his favor, but not enough to secure the 217 votes for a majority win. After the failed second vote today, there were more rumblings of allowing more authority for interim House Speaker Patrick McHenry (R-NC) to conduct House business. This would require a deal with the Democrats.

Jordan has so far lost the vote with 17 Republicans voting against him on Tuesday and 22 against him on Wednesday. Democrats have consistently voted for Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries.

Jordan must rally enough fellow Republicans to get across the finish line or somehow move the House to vote for a plurality. That could be dangerous for the GOP because all Democrats are voting for their one candidate. Any break from the GOP ranks could inadvertently had the speakership to the Democrats.

In any conflict, political or otherwise, one side needs to unite to achieve a win. Republicans need to join together and get the speakership decided and move on with the business of the country.

Source: Fox News