contatore free Jim Jordan Overrules Merrick Garland, Tells DOJ Officials: “Don’t let Attorney General Garland chill your rights as whistleblowers. You have the right to speak to Congress without interference – Conservatives News

Jim Jordan Overrules Merrick Garland, Tells DOJ Officials: “Don’t let Attorney General Garland chill your rights as whistleblowers. You have the right to speak to Congress without interference


GOP Rep Jim Jordan overruled Attorney General Merrick Garland telling FBI and Department of Justice officials to ignore guidance Garland issued about speaking to members of Congress.

Garland issued a memo to Justice Department personnel reminding them of the department’s policy of prohibiting communication with members of Congress. 

Garland’s memo said all communication with Congress must be handled by the Office of Legislative Affairs (OLA) “no department employee may communicate with Senators, Representatives, congressional committees, or congressional staff without advance coordination, consultation, and approval by OLA.

“All congressional inquiries and correspondence from Members, committees, and staff should be immediately directed to OLA upon receipt.”

Garland continued saying the policies are in place to protect the DOJ’s “criminal and civil law enforcement decisions, and its legal judgments, from partisan or other inappropriate influences, whether real or perceived, direct or indict.”

He added that the policies are not “intended to conflict with or limit whistleblower protections.”

This comes after whistleblowers dropped the dime on political bias at the Department to GOP members of Congress.

Tim Thibault, an assistant special agent,, retired over allegations he helped bury Hunter Biden’s laptop story.

“He firmly believes that any investigation will conclude that his supervision, leadership, and decision making were not impacted by political bias or partisanship of any kind,” Thibault’s lawyer said.

“He is confident that all of his decisions were consistent with the FBI’s highest standards for ethics and integrity.” 

Enter Jim Jordan who said:

“DOJ and FBI officials: 

“Don’t let Attorney General Garland chill your rights as whistleblowers. You have the right to speak to Congress without interference.”

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