histats John Kerry Humiliates Himself on Live TV – The Climate Czar Will Never Live This ‘Emission’ Down – Conservatives News

John Kerry Humiliates Himself on Live TV – The Climate Czar Will Never Live This ‘Emission’ Down


Despite losing his bid for the White House years ago, John Kerry continues to be a frontman for the progressive left. President Biden appointed the Democrat to be his “climate czar.”

The wealthy liberal has traveled the world, pushing one of the most extreme environmental agendas in recent history.

During a talk at the “Climate Change Conference” in Dubai, Kerry spoke before the world’s elite about eliminating every coal power plant on earth. While discussing his extreme demand, users online claimed Kerry made a noxious “emission” himself.

From The Post Millennial:
While discussing US policy on coal power plants and calling for them to be eliminated, Kerry appeared to emit his own noxious gas.

Kerry stated, “There shouldn’t be any more coal-fired power plants permitted anywhere in the world…”

But that is when the sound of a toxic emission could be heard through the microphone.

Users on social media were quick to point the finger at Kerry.

While speaking before globalists in Dubai, John Kerry appeared to be ranting about the coal-fired power plants. Clean coal has been a staple of energy generation for decades. Without it, many countries (including the United States) would struggle to provide electricity.

Kerry is demanding every nation on earth to eliminate this vital source of energy, despite strong criticism that “green” alternatives cannot meet the world’s demand.

After making this bold point, users online claim that Kerry broke wind. Video of the moment seems to reveal that Kerry’s mic picked up the sound of his flatulence. It has not been clarified, however, if this sound in fact came from Kerry, one of the other speakers, or something else.

Users online were quick to mock Biden’s “climate czar.” Kerry, for his part, has come under congressional scrutiny for the use of his family’s private jet. The militant (his word) environmentalist has been criticized for flying around the world, releasing more so-called greenhouse gases than most people on the earth.

Kerry has been unrepentant about his use of a smog-producing private jet. While he claimed his family does not own the jet, they do own a stake in the company that provides these jets. And his argument doesn’t erase the reality that he continues to make use of a mode of transport that many environmentalists claim harms the atmosphere.

Source: The Post Millennial

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