histats JUST IN: President Trump Does NOT Place His Hand On The Bible While Taking The Oath of Office! – Conservatives News

JUST IN: President Trump Does NOT Place His Hand On The Bible While Taking The Oath of Office!


A major scandal is brewing (if you ask some people) or it’s much ado about nothing (if you ask others)….

I’ll leave it to you to decide which camp you fall into, but let me give you the cold, hard facts first.

And those would be that President Trump just took the Oath of Office and while doing the swearing in ceremony Melania was standing right next to him holding two Bibles but he did not place his hand on them at any time.

We’ll discuss whether it’s a big deal or not, but the fact remains this hasn’t happened since Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1945, which would be 80 years ago!

Watch here:

Backup video here:

It’s a little hard to see from that angle, so here are some different photos:


Everyone is asking the question: What’s up?  Why didn’t President Trump place his hand on the Bible?


Let’s discuss the possibilities, shall we?

Option 1: we’ll call this one Occam’s Razor, which says when presented with multiple explanations for a phenomenon, one should select the explanation with the fewest assumptions. In simpler terms, the simplest explanation is usually the best one.

So what’s the simplest explanation?

Simply that he just forgot.

It’s a big day.

I can’t even imagine all that’s on his mind, can you?

Even for a man as incredible as President Trump, perhaps he just simply forgot.

Option 2: We’ll go to my friend MJTruth for this one.

Ever been to a wedding ceremony back home after the couple already got married at a destination wedding somewhere else?

Sometimes they re-enact the wedding, but everyone knows it already happened.

That’s Option 2, some believe President Trump was already sworn in early.

There was a ton of chatter on X two days ago about that happening covertly in D.C.

President Trump even arrived to D.C. uncharacteristically early and was flown in on Air Force One two days before inauguration, which is something that to the best of my knowledge has never historically happened before.

So we’ll call this Option 2 — it already happened and this was merely a re-enactment:

Option 3: he never really left.

The dash matters.

He didn’t take a new oath on the Bible because the old one was still valid and he’s been a wartime President ever since.

We’ll call this the Derek Johnson option:



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