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Kamala Harris Makes Bombshell Announcement – Reveals Biden “Pay Plot” for Election 2024


Everything is on the line in this year’s election. Democrats know that they are in a difficult position. Joe Biden’s approval is in the toilet. And signs point to Trump winning back the swing states he lost in 2020.

It seems that Democrats have gone so far to the left, that they cannot pull back. They are determined, apparently, to make America a new socialist nation, and they’d do anything to make it happen.

But are Americans willing to vote away their prosperity, freedom, and future? Kamala Harris thinks so. And she just revealed a plan to super-charge the left’s questionable election methods. What might come of this could be disastrous.

From Daily Wire:
Vice President Kamala Harris sparked outrage this week when she revealed that the Biden administration will be paying college students to register people to vote and to work at polls.

“We have been doing work to promote voter participation for students,” Harris said. “For example, we have, under the Federal Work-Study program, now allow students to get paid through Federal Work-Study to register people and to be non-partisan poll workers.”

Kamala Harris announced that the Biden administration is trying to pay college students to get people to register to vote. This is a federal program, meaning tax dollars will go to this effort.

The program will pay students to register voters and become “non-partisan” poll workers. It is likely unrealistic to believe anyone paid through this liberal-leaning program will be non-partisan.

Critics are raising the alarm, claiming this is one step away from paying people to vote. It is against the law to pay people to register to vote or pay them for their vote. But it is suspicious when Democrats are paying students to go register voters.

In many states, voting laws are weak or rarely enforced—leading to duplicate registrations, out-of-date voter rolls, and non-citizens registered. Many states do not require ID when someone goes to vote, further casting doubt on election results.

For Democrats to be so desperate that they’d pay people to register voters, should alarm Americans. It seems they are willing to do anything to hold onto power and further push their globalist agenda.

Source: Daily Wire

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