Liberals FLIPPING OUT After Seeing The Latest Global Warming News… SPREAD THIS

Over the years we have been forced to deal with the liberal loonies like never before! We all know that these people are, for the most part completely INSANE!
One of the most important issues for liberals is GLOBAL WARMING. They even hold Global Warming conferences where they all fly in their jets (pollution) and meet in resorts to discuss the problems of global warming, carbon pollution and whatever.
Global Warming is nothing more than a liberal money making scam…
It’s all a bunch of crap!
The truth is, Antarctic sea ice had barely changed from where it was 100 years ago, scientists have discovered, after poring over the logbooks of great polar explorers such as Robert Falcon Scott and Ernest Shackleton, Science Editor Sarah Knapton at The U.K. Telegraph reports.
Experts were concerned that ice at the South Pole had declined significantly since the 1950s, which they feared was driven by man-made climate change.
But new analysis suggests that conditions are now virtually identical to when the ‘Terra Nova’ and ‘Endurance’ sailed to the continent in the early 1900s, indicating that declines are part of a natural cycle and not the result of global warming.
When are these libs going to stop this nonsense? Oh, when they stop getting billions of BILLIONS OF DOLLARS to ‘research’ this foolish myth I suppose. I mean, these people make major money and I guarantee they aren’t eating ‘Top Ramen’ or peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
And in 2009, Al Gore announced “there is a 75 per cent chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during the summer months, could be completely ice-free within the next five to seven years,” The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) reported.
But the missions to the Arctic were hampered by bad weather, not open sea. And the dates by which climate scientists and politicians said the ice would disappear have come and gone, while the ice has remained.
C.E. Dyer at Federalist Papers has more:
Bob Walker, a senior adviser for Donald Trump’s campaign, told The Guardian that NASA’s climate change research, which he called “politicized science,” will be cracked down on in a Trump administration. Walker told The Guardian:
“My guess is that it would be difficult to stop all ongoing NASA programs but future programs should definitely be placed with other agencies. I believe that climate research is necessary but it has been heavily politicized, which has undermined a lot of the work that researchers have been doing. Mr Trump’s decisions will be based upon solid science, not politicized science.”
“We see Nasa in an exploration role, in deep space research,” Walker said. “Earth-centric science is better placed at other agencies where it is their prime mission.”
Good, let’s hope Trump does turn away from “politicized science” and stops the ridiculous, wasteful spending on the left’s pet project used to garner more control for the federal government — and make money for people like Al Gore.
This is nothing but a corrupt money making scam that the government doles out tons of our fricking hard earned TAX DOLLARS to. Nothing less, nothing more…
(h/t Climate Depot)
God bless.