histats Matt Gaetz Checkmates Schiff, Introduces Bill To Prevent Adam From Receiving Classified Information – Conservatives News

Matt Gaetz Checkmates Schiff, Introduces Bill To Prevent Adam From Receiving Classified Information


U.S. Congressman Matt Gaetz (FL-01) filed the “Preventing Extreme Negligence with Classified Information Licenses Resolution,” or the “PENCIL Resolution.”

The resolution looks to prevent Congressman Adam Schiff (CA-30) from having access to classified information, to open an investigation into Adam by the House Ethics Committee, and would officially strike his comments made during any proceeding of Congress regarding Russian Collusion and the Trump campaign from the record.

Matt said: “Congressman Adam Schiff led the effort for years to weaponize lies from the Clinton campaign and a corrupt Department of Justice to smear President Trump while destroying any trust the country had left in America’s intelligence agencies.

“Speaker McCarthy kept his promise to remove Rep. Schiff from the Intelligence Committee, and with the PENCIL Resolution, we will express the sense of Congress that he should be barred from accessing any classified information at all. 

“He can no longer be trusted by his colleagues in Congress or the American people.”

Gaetz’s office issued a statement that said:

“As a member of the “Gang of Eight,” Rep. Schiff is responsible for characterizing critical, sensitive intelligence information to the other members of Congress and the American people. 

“During his time in Congress under President Trump, Rep. Schiff falsely claimed there was “clear evidence on the issue of collusion,” and falsely claimed the Trump campaign accepted help from the Russian government to win the presidency. 

“Meanwhile, a nine-count indictment against the former head of the FBI’s counterintelligence office in New York, Special Agent Charles McGonigal, was unsealed this week. It proved that the very people investigating President Trump for Russian collusion were themselves taking orders from Russian oligarchs. 

“McGonigal accepted illegal foreign payments and schemed to set up a post-career influence-peddling operation while actively working as a senior official for the FBI,” the statement said.

Schiff wants to run for the soon-to-be vacant Senate seat currently held by Dianne Feinstein.

But as a white man running against two women, one a person of color, Adam may find his fake woke BS may come back to bite him in the arse.

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