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Months After Mitt Romney Votes To Impeach Trump – His Own State Punishes Him In Weber County


After some Republicans tried to ditch Trump, the party as a whole has spoken loud and clear.

It is behind Donald Trump, 100%. Regardless of whether or not he runs in 2022, the GOP knows it needs him to win big in 2022 and beyond.

But there remain several notable Republicans who are not on board with Trump’s continued influence. That includes those RINOs who voted against him in the left’s second impeachment.

Mitt Romney is one of those politicians, who clearly does not want Trump around anymore.

Well, the folks back home aren’t too pleased with old Mitt. And one Utah country just sent him a message.

From The Salt Lake Tribune:

The Weber County GOP voted to censure Sen. Mitt Romney on Saturday, one week after the Utah GOP narrowly voted down such a measure…

“The Weber County Republican Convention censures Mitt Romney for his votes to convict President Trump in two U.S. Senate impeachment trials which denied the President due process, allowed falsified evidence, did not provide adequate time for an investigation, and did not follow the U.S. Constitution which states a President may only be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors,” reads the resolution.

It’s nice to know some people still care about what the Constitution says.

Even though the Utah GOP narrowly voted down a censure against Mitt Romney, one country decided to take matters into their own hands.

They passed a resolution to censure Romney, not just for the most recent impeachment of Trump but for the first time he voted against the 45th president.

The party bashed the left’s attempts to impeach Trump, calling out (as we often did) how they denied Trump due process, refused real investigations (or neutral investigators), and disregarded the Constitution’s high standard for impeaching a president.

(And let’s not forget the fact Pelosi and her goons impeached Trump the second time after he was out of office.)

Despite all those glaring problems, Romney joined up with the left to attack his own party leader.

Weber County GOP slammed Romney’s vote, saying it was “unjust and unethical.”

Romney has not had a great few years with Utah voters. They were outraged already, with a movement to recall him at one time being discussed.

How is it going to go over with voters, now that he’s been censured?

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