histats Nancy Pelosi Suffers Capitol Hill Meltdown – She Blames FAA For Catching Capitol Police Off Guard Over Skydiver – Conservatives News

Nancy Pelosi Suffers Capitol Hill Meltdown – She Blames FAA For Catching Capitol Police Off Guard Over Skydiver


With Joe Biden failing, left and right, it’s up to Congress to step in and bring sanity back to the government. Unfortunately, Nancy Pelosi is in charge of the House.

She’s spent her valuable time over the last year on a witch hunt against a man not even in office. Instead of holding Biden in check, she’s pursued her bogus “J6” commission.

Now, she is melting down over something she claims “triggered” congressmen.

From The Hill:

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) late Wednesday said the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) apparent failure to notify Capitol Police of a military parachuting demonstration was “inexcusable,” after the miscommunication triggered an evacuation of the U.S. Capitol and surrounding buildings…

The aircraft in question was reportedly being flown by the U.S. Army Golden Knights for that evening’s Washington Nationals game…

Pelosi slammed the FAA for its apparent failure to inform Capitol Police of the preplanned flyover at the stadium. She said the incident was “particularly harmful” for Capitol personnel who are still reeling from the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the complex.

Um… what? Now the FAA has to inform Capitol Police of a routine flyover for a football game?

Apparently, the U.S. Army Golden Knights were preparing for a flyover and parachute jump for the night’s Washington Nationals game.

Some genius in the Capitol Police panicked and claimed it was a “probable threat.” Based on what?

Pelosi made a big stink of it, claiming it was “harmful” for those congressmen who are still wetting their pants over J6.

Except… the building was mostly empty, due to the House and Senate being out of session.

Sounds like the woman doth protest too much.

Was this just an attempt by Pelosi to grab some attention? With the midterms around the corner, her House isn’t really able to get much done.

Many Democrats have already retired. The rest are probably too worried about the elections to bother listening to old Nance.

Chances are, she will be giving up the gavel come November.

Key Takeaways:

  • Nancy Pelosi melted down during a flyover for a football game.
  • Capitol Police panicked, evacuating the mostly empty Capitol Building.
  • Pelosi claimed this situation was “particularly harmful.”

Source: The Hill

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