histats Peter Doocy Calls Out Jen Psaki: “There’s evidence that Biden was once office mates with Hunter and his brother Jim – Conservatives News

Peter Doocy Calls Out Jen Psaki: “There’s evidence that Biden was once office mates with Hunter and his brother Jim


Fox News reporter Peter Doocy called out White House press secretary Jen Psaki over Hunter Biden and Joe Biden’s business relationship. With Hunter under investigation and a grand jury being asked who the ‘big guy’ is in Hunter’s emails, Psaki is in a tight spot.

Nevertheless what she said today from the White House podium contradicts the emails that have now been authenticated by The Washington Post and the New York Times. Doocy said: “There’s evidence that Biden was once office mates with Hunter and his brother Jim.”

Psaki said: “That is not accurate.” Doocy fired back: “So when Hunter Biden is emailing a landlord ‘please have keys made for office mates Joe Biden and Jim Biden.”

Psaki said weakly: “They were not office mates.”

The Daily Caller reported:

“Hunter Biden called his father, President-elect Joe Biden, and his Chinese business partner “office mates” in a Sept. 21, 2017, email to the general manager of his former Washington, D.C. office building.

“Please have keys made available for new office mates,” Hunter Biden wrote in the email before listing Joe Biden, his stepmother Jill Biden, his uncle Jim Biden and Gongwen Dong, who he identified as the “emissary” for the chairman of the now-bankrupt Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC.

“Hunter Biden also requested that a sign be made for his office stating “The Biden Foundation” and “Hudson West (CEFC US).”

In more bad news for Biden, The New York Post is reporting a witness before the Hunter Biden grand jury was asked who the ‘Big Guy’ from the emails is.

The Post thinks this is about an email they reported on in October 2020 that showed how when one of Hunter Biden’s business partners, James Gilliar, outlined the proposed payout for those involved in the deal with CEFC China Energy Company he listed: “10 held by H for the big guy?”

Former Utah US attorney Brett Tolman said:

“I get that there’s spin, but this is not a complex one. Conspiracy is a standalone crime in our country, and you’ve certainly got enough to present to the grand jury that there’s a conspiracy among Joe, brother James and Hunter to bring in money, to not declare that money, to not pay taxes on that money.

“And to do so from a country like China, it’s not just red flags — there are potential crimes being committed.”

Washington, DC, lawyer Jim Trusty, said:

“The question is whether Joe Biden’s vice presidency was for sale and whether Joe was complicit in that sort of scheme.”

From The New York Post:

Another former Hunter Biden partner, US Navy veteran Tony Bobulinski, later revealed that “the big guy” was Hunter’s dad, then the Democratic candidate for president, saying, “I have heard Joe Biden say he has never discussed his dealings with Hunter. That is false.”

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