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President Trump Issues Warning to Michelle Obama: “BIG MISTAKE”


Yesterday, Michelle Obama attacked President Trump during a speech she gave in Michigan, calling him “grossly” incompetent, “erratic,” and a “known slumlord” — just to name a few insults.

For reference, here’s that clip:

Now, at his rally in Atlanta earlier today, President Trump took aim at Michelle, warning that she made a “big mistake” and just opened a Pandora’s box!

“You know who was nasty to me? Michelle Obama,” Trump said,

“I always tried to be so nice and respectful. Oh, did she open up a little bit of a box. She opened up a little bit of something. Yeah, she was nasty — shouldn’t be that way, that was a big mistake that she made.”

Shots fired!

Watch President Trump’s warning to Michelle Obama here:

Independent reported:

Donald Trump has ominously warned Michelle Obama that she made a “big mistake” by being “nasty” to him at a rally in Atlanta.

Speaking at the Georgia Institute of Technology on Monday night, the former president adopted a gleeful and ironical tone as he warned the former first lady that she had “opened up a little bit of a box”.

“You now who was nasty to me? Michelle Obama,” said Trump, prompting a loud chorus of boos, jeers, and shouts from his audience. “She was really – ooooooh.”

“I always tried to be so nice and respectful,” he went on, despite having spent years accusing the former first lady’s husband of secretly being born in Kenya and therefore ineligible to be a US president.

“Oooooh! She opened up a little bit of a box. She opened up a little bit of something,” said Trump. “She was nasty, whooo.

“Shouldn’t be that way. That was a big mistake she made. With your support on November 5 we will achieve success that no one can imagine.”

The Washington Examiner added some more background context:

Obama criticized Trump during a speech in Kalamazoo, Michigan, where she implored voters not to ignore Trump’s “gross incompetence.”

“I hope that you’ll forgive me if I’m a little angry that we are indifferent to his erratic behavior, his obvious mental decline, his history as a convicted felon, a known … a known slumlord, a predator found liable for sexual abuse, all of this, while we pick apart Kamala’s answers from interviews that he doesn’t even have the courage to do, y’all,” Obama said on Saturday while campaigning with Harris in the battleground state.

Obama said that Harris is held to a different standard than Trump. Harris has been criticized by Republicans recently for responses in media interviews.

“I am asking y’all, from the core of my being, to take our lives seriously. Please. Do not put our lives in the hands of politicians. … Do not hand our fate over to the likes of Trump, who knows nothing about us, who has shown deep contempt for us. Because a vote for him is a vote against us,” said Obama.

YUGE mistake, Michelle.

I have a feeling she(?) might regret that one day, and I’m not the only one:

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