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REVEALED: Nikki Haley’s Real Name


Many of you may know this already….

Many probably don’t….

But since I don’t expect we’ll be covering Nikki Haley much after today, I thought it was a good time to hit it one more time.

Do you know Nikki Haley’s real name?


Well, close to it.

“Nimarata” — the female, Indian version of Nimrod is what it sounds like.

Can’t fault her for this one, I’d change my name too if that was my name!

Vivek has trolled her for his before….

Nimarata Randhawa is Nikki Haley’s birth name but since childhood, she has been called by close friends and family Nikki.

Here’s what Fox News shared:

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley is hitting back at GOP nomination rival Vivek Ramaswamy, who called her “lying Namrata (sic),” referencing her given Indian name and originally misspelling it on the website.

On a new page on the newcomer’s campaign website called “TRUTH. Over myth,” Ramaswamy, a multi-millionaire biotech entrepreneur, author, and culture wars crusader, attempts to set the record straight on Haley’s recent jabs at his foreign policy positions.

One such criticism is Ramaswamy’s position on U.S. support to Israel, an accusation leveled by Haley last week during the first GOP presidential nomination debate – and reiterated on Monday at Haley’s town hall in Indian Land, South Carolina.

“WRONG. Keep lying, Namrata (sic) Randhawa. The desperation is showing,” Ramaswamy’s website read earlier today. It has since been updated with the correct spelling for Haley’s birth name.

“Nimarata Randhawa” appears to be a reference to Haley’s birth name of Indian origin, but it leaves out “Nikki,” which is her legal middle name that she goes by.

Per Times of India:

Indian-origin Republican candidate Nikki Haley has lashed out at her GOP rival Vivek Ramaswamy after the entrepreneur’s “childish” reference to her Indian birth name on his website.

The two Indian-origin candidates, who are vying for a Republican nomination for the 2024 US Presidential polls, have been taking potshots at each other over the last few weeks with the GOP race getting intense.

Haley has called out Ramaswamy for his “lack of foreign policy experience” and has been targeting him over his position on America’s ties with Israel.
During the GOP debate last week, the former South Carolina governor said that Ramaswamy wants US to stop funding Israel. Haley repeated her charge at Monday’s town hall.

Hitting back, Ramaswamy’s campaign website referred to Haley by her birth name and said that her “desperation is showing”.

“WRONG. Keep lying, Namrata (sic) Randhawa. The desperation is showing,” Ramaswamy’s website read earlier with an incorrect spelling of her birth name. The spelling was later rectified.
Nimarata Randhawa is Nikki Haley’s birth name

Here’s what led to Vivek calling out Nikki on his campaign site:

But not only did Nikki Haley change her OWN name, she also changed her husband’s name!

Did you know?

Not his last name….his first name!

The gall of this Warmongering Lady!

Nikki Haley Made Her Husband Change His First Name…Because She Didn’t Like It!

Just when you think you’ve heard it all….

And just when you think you couldn’t possibly loathe Nikki Haley any more than I already do, you get something new like this.

Actually, it isn’t “new” but it may be “new to you”.

It was new to me.

Probably because this comes from Nikki’s 2012 book, and just as I don’t care about her now, I didn’t care about her back then either.

But major credit to Anons for digging and putting this gem back in the spotlight.

Haley admits, even gleefully recounts, how she started calling her husband by “Michael” simply because she didn’t like his given name “Bill” and she thought he looked more like a Michael.


I love the summary Alex puts on this:

From Fox News, here are more details on the story from the book:

Nearly 12 years ago, now-Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley wrote about how she renamed her husband, which resurfaced amid the Republican primary.

A senior politics correspondent for Vox took to social media on Wednesday and posted an excerpt from her 2012 book “Can’t Is Not an Option” in which Haley recounted how she modified how people refer to her now-husband, Michael Haley.

“You may be wondering how ‘Bill’ became South Carolina First Gentleman Michael Haley,” Haley wrote in her book. “After we started dating, I looked at him one day and said, ‘What’s your name?’”

“‘You know it’s Bill,’ he said, puzzled.”

“‘You just don’t look like a Bill. What’s your whole name?’”

“‘William Michael.’”

“From that point on, I started calling him Michael, and all my friends did the same. When he transferred to Clemson his sophomore year, my friends became his friends, and before we knew it, he was universally known as Michael. Everyone who knew him before I did knows him as Bill, and everyone who met him after I did knows him as Michael.”

“He looks like a Michael,” she wrote.

The responses on Twitter are HILARIOUS….

SugarLuvsU4sho points out that the woman who once famously said it should be a law that everyone on social media use their real names is the same person who does not call her husband by his real name:

Oh the irony!

Nikki Haley — EXPOSED

I don’t think she has a snowball’s chance in hell of winning the primary, but nevertheless I want to make sure we take those odds all the way down to zero.

Because we do not need the war-mongering NEO-con RINO anywhere near our Government.

So now I give you Nikki Haley exposed….in her own words.

Here is a wonderful montage of 3 minutes of Nikki Haley telling you EXACTLY who she is.

And it ain’t someone I want as President or anywhere in Government for that matter.


No Nikki Haley.

Watch for yourself:

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