contatore free Ron DeSantis Issues Challenge To Gavin Newsom: “Stop pussyfooting around and throw your hat in the ring and challenge Joe” – Conservatives News

Ron DeSantis Issues Challenge To Gavin Newsom: “Stop pussyfooting around and throw your hat in the ring and challenge Joe”


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis fired back at California Governor Gavin Newsom daring Gavin to enter the presidential race and challenge Joe Biden for the Dem nomination.

Ron said: “It’s interesting, he’s got huge in his state. I mean like huge problems in his state. We all know that. I mean, you see it in San Francisco, you see it in LA, you see it in the people fleeing.

“California from its inception gained population every single year until he became governor. I mean, California was probably the height of opportunity for middle-class Americans for many, many decades in this country.

“No one would leave there.

“People were drawn to there. 

“And yet, he’s the first governor that’s overseen a massive exodus out of California.

“He has a real, serious fixation on Florida, but what I would tell him is stop pussyfooting around. 

“Are you going to throw your hat in the ring and challenge Joe? 

“Or are you going to sit on the sidelines and chirp? 

“Why don’t you throw your hat in the ring, and then we’ll go ahead and talk about what’s happening.”

DeSantis also took a swipe at bumbling Joe Biden after he disgraced the White House and let a transgender porn star go topless at an event.

“This transgender flashing people nude.

“I think even the White House had to acknowledge it was inappropriate. 

“But I would ask them.

“ If it’s inappropriate to do that at the White House — which I certainly think it is — why do you want to have that curriculum jammed into a second-graders classroom?”

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