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The Biggest Story From Election Night That Nobody Is Talking About


Last night something leaked early in the evening as Election Results were starting to come in and it went largely unreported.

We covered it and a few others did too, but it was largely lost in the other news of the evening — namely, Trump’s historic win.

So now I want to circle back to this because it’s too big to lose in all the commotion.

I covered it when the news broke and I said at the time that this may be even bigger news than Trump winning big:

Yes Trump won big and we’re all having a wonderful celebration, but it was largely expected and not that surprising.

But THIS poll up above, running on CNN no less, that was NOT expected.

It really came out of nowhere and I have several thoughts.

First the most obvious….the numbers are simply stunning!  68% of people polled do not believe Biden won 2020.

The MSM wants you to believe that if you think Biden cheated, you are a small, fringe, tinfoil hat wearing, minority lunatic.

But as we always suspected, that’s FAR from the truth.

The truth is, and I can’t believe CNN actually aired this, but the truth is that a Majority of people do not believe Biden won 2020!

And at 68%, it would be fair to say a SUPER-Majority of people do not believe Biden won 2020.

That is stunning!

The second point is I can’t believe CNN aired this.

Got a few White Hats in control over there?

I don’t know, but it’s very suspicious they would actually air this.

Once they got those results, they could have just killed the story but they didn’t.

Very interesting….

If you ask me, this proves one thing very clearly, and that is “The Pause” was the correct move.

I’ve covered it many times before and I’ll give you the full coverage below, but very simply put “The Pause” is essentially the decision made by Trump and his team of White Hats to let Biden into the White House and to let the Country go to Hell.

I firmly believe President Trump was not caught off guard by the stolen election in 2020.

I firmly believe he captured the steal in realtime and he still holds all of that evidence to this day.

I also believe the Trump Team (call them Q or the White Hats or whatever name you want) used AI technology to war plan what would happen if they revealed it all in January 2020 and I believe those results came back “Civil War”.

So they waited.

The Pause also had the benefit of allowing people to see just how quickly things can turn bad.

I think it succeeded on both fronts and I think this poll now is telling us the coast is clear to finally release the evidence.

Enough people have been Red Pilled.

Enough people have woken up.

68% it looks like!

If you want much more detail on The Pause, listen to President Trump himself:

President Trump Once Again Explains “The Pause” — This Time In More Detail

With each new speech, President Trump is becoming more explicit in what he reveals to us.

He’s previously hinted about “going away for a while” and “we will be back” and “The Pause”.

But those have always been fleeting comments.

Yesterday, he went into much more detail about “The Pause”.

Folks…how much more clearly can he say it?

This was all planned long in advance and is advanced warfare.

Very high stakes.

Watch here:

This PAUSE statement is literally a Q PROOF.

Only when evil is forced into the light can we defeat it.
Only when they can no longer operate in the [shadows] can people see the truth for themselves.
Only when people see the truth [for themselves] will people understand the true nature of their deception. Seeing is Believing.
Sometimes you can’t tell the public the truth.
It had to be this way.
This is not another 4-year election. GOD WINS.

Trump is literally telling us this is an operation that was done intentionally.


You can’t “TELL” many people….you have to “SHOW” them.

The big question now: has this been enough?

Are enough people awake?

Here’s more from our prior reporting on this topic… goes DEEP!

President Trump Explains “The Pause” — All Planned In Advance?

Heads up folks!

President Trump just had one of the most interesting soundbites in recent memory.

In less than 35 seconds, he explains “The Pause“.

It sounds very intentional.

Very planned.

Very coordinated as part of the overall operation that is currently running.

I can’t explain it any other way than that.

You judge for yourself.

What is “the pause”?

It sounds like the Joe Biden Residency to me.

Full text:

Translation: I Donald Trump have made moves and signed orders so that we can put the government on pause.

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During this period, we will run a multi layered psyop for multiple reasons.

Our country was infiltrated. Our citizens were divided and lulled into slavery.

To correct these issues, we have written a story and produced a show/cover story.

The show will allow the American people to see what we were up against and, in turn, weoponizing the people… all while saving the kids, revamping the financial system, and derooting corruption of every form globally.

We are 100% reaching the precipice. It is time.

It had to be this way. And it’s glorious. What a time to be alive.

Now watch for yourself:

Backup here on Rumble:

Is Trump still in charge?

I am telling you, it sure sounds like it to me!

Want more?

This is just ONE clip.

I have about a dozen and they all tie together.

How did we miss these when the originally came out?

Looking back it’s all so clear.

Take a look…..

UPDATE: More EVIDENCE Hidden In Plain Sight — Trump Has Been Telling Us All Along!

This is now the THIRD TIME I’ve updated this article.

More information just keeps coming in…

I’ll mark the updated information below so you can see it.

Or just read the whole thing in full again, there is SO MUCH to soak in!

So in my original article, I argued that perhaps President Trump has been telling us the truth all along and we just haven’t noticed it.

The truth about what?

Well, the truth about the Military Operation being conducted by the White Hats — or however you want to phrase it.

But assuming there is a team of “Good Guys” working to save this Country, would we see any evidence of it?

We certainly see evidence of the horror Joe Biden has brought on this Country…but is there evidence that the White Hats are also running their playbook?

I think there is.

“Central Casting”

“He’s Shot!”

“I Caught Them All!”

I’ll copy my original article below so you can see all of that in case you missed it — there’s a lot in there!

But first I want to show you a bunch of new stuff.

I’ll just put it out here and let you decide after you read everything.

Huge credit to my friend Joe Rambo (@Brainstorm_Joe on X) for putting together this incredible thread.

Ok, we start here and please read and watch everything first because it all fits together.  One particular video may not mean a ton on its own, but you put them all together and eventually it tells a pretty compelling story:

How is Trump so confident in telling Karri that something good is going to happen.

Something much bigger….?

Because they caught them all. Including the 2022 midterm thefts.

Space force had an aircraft up for 908 days.

It’s called X-37B.

It took off shortly before the 2020 election and landed just after the 2022 election.


Or do they have it all?

Was the military the only way?

Read the rest of this thread.

What we are watching is awesome.

What an amazing time to be alive.

Then we go here:

From this point forward.

We will not announce when we will attack.

But attack we will.

This is a wartime president who was attacked personally from every angle.

As our country was also attacked.

Watch the clips in this thread.

I believe it makes he reference to the “pause” impossible to deny.

Patriots are in control.

I believe the MSM was well aware Trump was telling the truth in these moments.

The summer of love and the media attacks ramped up like crazy leading into 2020 for exactly that reason.

But Trump put safeguards in place.

He signed EO’s.

He placed certain people like Ezra and Miller in positions.

He promised to give the government back to the people on day 1.

The “pause” is part of keeping that promise.

The military was the only way.

It had to be this way to minimize loss of life.

To ensure public safety. NCSWIC.

Here he is again.

Hinting at what is really happening.

You have to love that style.

He drops truth BOMBS right in the middle of speeches.

Then moves right along as if he didn’t just tell you exactly what is going on.

It’s right in our faces.

He caught em all.

I know it’s hard to see the forest through the trees.

But it’s true.

Patriots are in control.

11/08/19 Trump was already telling you they spent millions of dollars investigating and trying to find corruption. Wanna know why Joe Biden is a different guy? Why he doesn’t know he is alive? Why he is shot? The answer is right here. Joe Biden is a crook. If you think no one did anything about it.. I suggest reading the rest of this thread.

Full clip:

Then he explains “the pause”…

This is one of the most compelling clips to me.

Have you seen this?

He’s telling you point blank.

Let it simmer for a while and let people see what Radical Left Democrats will do to our country!

It was all planned and had to go this way?

Sure sounds like it:

Translation: I Donald Trump have made moves and signed orders so that we can put the government on pause.

During this period, we will run a multi layered psyop for multiple reasons.

Our country was infiltrated. Our citizens were divided and lulled into slavery.

To correct these issues, we have written a story and produced a show/cover story.

The show will allow the American people to see what we were up against and, in turn, weoponizing the people… all while saving the kids, revamping the financial system, and derooting corruption of every form globally.

We are 100% reaching the precipice.

It is time. It had to be this way.

And it’s glorious. What a time to be alive.

Who remembers when the National Guard took an oath to act as US Marshals for 1 year right before “Joe Biden’s” inauguration?

What are the duties of a US Marshal?

The duties of the U.S. Marshals Service include protecting the federal judiciary, apprehending federal fugitives, managing and selling seized assets acquired by criminals through illegal activities, housing and transporting federal prisoners and operating the Witness Security Program.

The inauguration was provably false. The wreath ceremony and the 21 gun salute were provably false.

Trump told us “I don’t think it’s him”

“I caught em. I caught em all. Now let’s see what happens.”

“The pause is a beautiful thing. If there is such a thing. And it’s a beautiful thing.”

Are y’all starting to put it together yet?

Drip. Drip. Drip. Flood.

Sometimes you can’t tell. You must show.

“It will be much easier to do what must be done. Bc everyone will agree with us.”

Y’all ready for the good part? Because here it comes…

So there you go.


Hidden in plain sight?

He’s been telling us very clearly!

Want more?

Trump Has Been Telling Us All Along?

I’m just throwing this out there and you can make of it what you will…

You could chalk it all up to just common phrases used over and over with no bigger meaning or purpose behind them.

But I’m starting to wonder if perhaps they do have meaning.

I’m starting to wonder if we truly are going to see and end to this “movie” play out soon, and I’m wondering if when we look back in hindsight if it will be a “Sixth Sense” moment.

You remember that movie?

(30 year old) SPOILER ALERT: In one of the most legendary twists to end a movie of all time, you find out at the end that Bruce Willis has been dead the whole time.

You immediately ask yourself, “But….how can that be?”

We saw him talking to people throughout the movie, did they know he was dead?

But then the flashbacks start and you quickly realize you didn’t really see what you thought you saw.

It was all hidden in plain view, but you missed it.

The entire audience missed it for the whole movie.

But when you look back, it’s obvious.

And I wonder if that’s how this “movie” is going to end.

Will we look back and see that Trump was telling us BIG clues all along?

Which leads to the question I know you’re probably asking at this point….

Ok, if this IS a movie being allowed to play out and if President Trump DID catch them all, then what is he waiting for?

Why is this taking so long?

Well, I have a theory about that and I’ll explain it to you right here:

President Trump Just Confirmed It: “He Already Has All The Evidence!”

This is HUGE folks…

I am literally bouncing a bit in my seat as I type this one.

For years, I have told you my theory is that President Trump already has ALL the evidence.

What evidence?


Confirmation of the 2020 Election Steal (we know they watched and logged it all in realtime from that SCIF)…


I told you this was good!

I’m not the only one picking up on it….

StormIsUponUs summed it up perfectly:

Be careful what you wish for Jack Smith, it looks like you just might get it!

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