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Tucker Reveals the 1 Reason He’s a Trump Supporter – Here’s Why He Is Pro-Donald Now


More and more people from everyday, working-class citizens to high-profile elites are turning to former President Donald Trump for the nation’s leadership. Americans urgently want someone to step up and solve the nation’s problems that have been created by years of political failures.

More and more people from everyday, working-class citizens to high-profile elites are turning to former President Donald Trump for the nation’s leadership. Americans urgently want someone to step up and solve the nation’s problems that have been created by years of political failures.

Every person has a turning point where they decide to support a political figure. Times are tough right now with people seeking help with economic woes, crime, and just the ability to hope for better times in the future. Many people are seeking someone tough enough to handle all these issues.

Americans also want their government to stand up for what is right and treat citizens as valuable under the U.S. Constitution. The federal government, in the eyes of many, has failed to meet the needs of everyday Americans and in some cases even attacked its citizens.

Few people have the widespread voice within the public forum as Tucker Carlson, conservative media pundit and Daily Caller co-founder. He is letting the world know why he supports former President Donald Trump as the solution for Americans and the person who can corral the federal government.

Carlson said during an interview with Roseanne Barr, according to the Daily Caller, that he has always agreed with Trumps’ policies but did not actively support any politician until the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago in August 2022, where they obtained over 300 classified documents.

From the Daily Caller:
“I certainly support Trump, I can tell you, well I’ve always agreed with Trump’s policies, always, and I’ve lost friends over it,” Carlson said. “And I’ve never really actively supported anybody because it’s not my job to actively support people … but I became an active Trump supporter when they raided Mar-a-Lago last summer, the summer of 2022. That can’t stand.”

That support, Carlson said, would hold even if he didn’t agree with the former president because the Justice Department should not be allowed to take down the Republican frontrunner. The future of the country depends upon people standing for their principles.

“So, it’s bigger than Trump, it’s bigger than Biden,” Carlson said. “It’s a question of do you want to live in a free country with a functioning justice system. So, I’m voting for Trump, and if they convict him, I will send him the max donations and I will lead protests. That’s how I feel.”

Carlson pointed out the different treatment of Trump compared to President Joe Biden. The justice system is prosecuting Trump for storing classified documents while Biden isn’t facing any charges despite also storing similar material in his private home and office.

Source: Daily Caller

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