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WATCH: Alex Jones Issues DIRE Warning


Alex Jones has issued a dire warning to the American people, and judging by his track record we should be paying close attention.

The legendary InfoWars host is pointing to comments Joe Biden has made repeatedly this month telling Americans to prepare for a war with Russia.

We all know that Biden, who was installed and not elected, simply does the bidding of the military-industrial complex and their puppets in the political establishment.

I do not doubt that he is trying to drag America into yet another protracted war since his regime is failing. Beyond that, the average American has lost faith in public institutions entirely.

This is no longer the same nation as it was in 1940. Sparking a war with a country like China or Russia will almost certainly lead to civil unrest here at home. Virtually no American buys the Uncle Sam war routine anymore.

Raheem Kassam writes: “It was literally the EU army and NATO that provoked the Russia-Ukraine war but the globalists and neoliberal Brexiteers will pretend it was just a flight of fancy by Putin with zero background or context.”

TIME Magazine recently published this piece titled “Why So Many Politicians Are Talking About World War III”:

A survey conducted by the American Psychological Association soon after Russia invaded Ukraine last year found that nearly 7 in 10 Americans feared “that we are at the beginning stages of World War III,” a sentiment that allies of Russian President Vladimir Putin have encouraged.

The organization has not asked the question since then, but the outbreak of war in the Middle East appears to be raising those fears again.

President Trump has also issued similar warnings: “I refuse to kneel before the next endless war in Ukraine. I want peace. They want money and they want conflict. Even if it means we end up on the brink of World War III.”


Newsweek featured this op-ed that claimed we are already in World War III:

China, Russia, and Iran disagree on many things, but they all have the same goal: ridding their regions of U.S. influence and creating a multipolar global governance system and.

Tehran, Beijing, and Moscow know that U.S. political and military might is the only force preventing them from imposing their will on their neighbors.