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Watch What Happens When Trudeau Pokes Putin In The Chest


I truly believe leaders can’t be “formed”…

And power can’t be seized (for long) by those who don’t know how to wield it.

Take Ron DeSantis for example.

On paper he had the perfect resume.

And yet?

He simply isn’t a born leader, not an Alpha.

He checks every box when trying to rate someone on paper, but in reality he didn’t have that “it” factor.

You either have “it” or you don’t.

And I’m not saying Putin is a good guy, but I’m saying he is a man firmly in control and firmly wielding significant power.

And just like Trump, the most powerful people of all often never have to use their power.

A simple head not or hand signal is all that is needed, and nothing more.

So now I have to show you this clip.

Grok says it’s from March 9, 2024 but I think that’s just the upload date:

So I don’t truly know when this video was shot or what the context is, although I do see President Trump and former Japan PM Abe in the clip as well, so it’s clearly from the 2016-2020 time period.

And it’s only 13 seconds long but it really says it all in just 13 seconds.

This is true power.

Like him or not, Putin is 10x the man and leader that “sits to pee” Justin Trudeau is.

But as the weaker party often tries to do, Trudeau is trying to make a power play on Putin by tapping him on the cheat repeatedly as they talk.

Watch as Putin not only remains calm but waves off one of his bodyguards without even making eye contact.

It’s like in the NFL when the Quarterback throws the ball to where he knows the receive WILL be in the future.

Putin knows the minute Trudeau lays hands on him that his guards will soon follow and he knows exactly when and where they will be.

So without even looking over, and with perfect timing, he waves him off.

This is what true power looks like.

The self-control and the wisdom to remain calm….

To let Trudeau keep tapping him on the chest and to de-escalate the situation by waving off your guards, knowing you’re in no real danger and you’re still firmly in control.


Watch here:

Backup here:

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