utenti connessi Biden Team Caught in Blatant Trump ‘Hoax’ – And Fact-Checkers Just Set the Record Straight – Conservatives News

Biden Team Caught in Blatant Trump ‘Hoax’ – And Fact-Checkers Just Set the Record Straight


No matter what former President Donald Trump has said, Biden’s crowd of leftist allies have used it against him. They have twisted his words and lied about what he said in a variety of ways over the years.

What leftists keep forgetting is that they aren’t the only ones who can fact-check statements thanks to everyday technology such as audio and video. Someone somewhere always seems to record the truth.

When leftists lie, it’s imperative that conservatives fight back with reality and call them out for the false narratives. Leftist Democrats were caught in another hoax where they tried to twist Trump’s words in a way that didn’t tell the whole truth.

From Fox News:
A social media account belonging to President Biden’s re-election campaign was slammed on social media after it posted a clip that left out key context from former President Donald Trump’s speech on illegal immigrants committing violent crimes across the U.S.

The account, under the username Biden-Harris HQ, posted a 7-second clip of Trump saying illegal immigrants are “animals” — but cut out Trump’s statement from just seconds before that shows the comment was directed to migrants recently convicted of murder.

Democrats selectively edited out the first part of Trump’s speech which took away the accurate context of what he said. Trump was talking about the illegal immigrant arrested for the murder of Laken Riley. The leftists used the edited clip to attack Trump without first revealing all the details.

In Trump’s full statement, left out by the Biden account, he said “just a few weeks ago I met with the grieving family of Laken Riley,” adding that the 22-year-old was “barbarically murdered by an illegal alien animal. Democrats said please don’t call immigrants ‘animals.’ I said, no, they’re not humans, they’re animals.”

Trump isn’t one to back off criticizing leftists and their dear leader Joe Biden for all the illegal aliens they have flooded into the country. Trump was providing examples of Americans getting killed by illegal immigrants who crossed the southern border under Biden’s watch.

Trump included another example about Ruby Garcia, 25, who was allegedly murdered by an illegal immigrant that was deported in 2020 but re-entered the U.S. during Biden’s term.

Leftists who created the doctored ad were skewered by Trump and conservatives for not including the full context that Trump delivered in his powerful speech.

“Why is the Biden campaign constantly jumping to the defense of bloodthirsty illegal alien murderers who killed American citizens? President Trump was clearly speaking of Laken Riley’s killer here,” Team Trump posted on X.

“Democrats can’t even say Laken Riley’s name but will get angry when Trump refers to her killer as an animal,” State Freedom Caucus Network Comms Director Greg Price posted on X.

“Biden’s misinformation is disgusting — a pathetic, embarrassing, contemptuous affront to Americans who just want to feel safe in their own backyards,” a social media account belonging to the Republican National Convention posted on X. “Never before has an American president defended illegal aliens over his country’s own citizens.”

Biden’s campaign team played into the leftist hate for Trump with this latest hoax. Viewing results on X showed how littered the platform is with leftists as the doctored clip garnered almost 5 million views.

Trump has been delivering public blows to Biden’s love for illegal immigrants during his latest rallies. He barnstormed through Grand Rapids, Michigan, and Green Bay, Wisconsin, on Tuesday. His focused heavily on immigration and Biden’s participation in fueling the influx of illegal aliens into the U.S.

Source: Fox News