utenti connessi Biden Stuns America on 81st Birthday – 2 Big Celebrities Furious with Joe for Joke Gone Wrong – Conservatives News

Biden Stuns America on 81st Birthday – 2 Big Celebrities Furious with Joe for Joke Gone Wrong


There is growing concern among liberals that Biden shouldn’t run for re-election. That concern has been embraced, for years, by Republicans and independents.

Polling shows Biden losing to Donald Trump. Pundits, including Bill Maher, think Biden is too old to win.

Biden’s handlers have been going out of their way to make him appear younger than he is. But on his 81st birthday, all the comfortable shoes and clear walkways did not stop him from saying this.

From Fox News:
President Biden, on his birthday Monday, cracked numerous jokes about his age during the annual White House turkey pardon before confusing Taylor Swift and Beyonce when talking about the origin of the massive birds…

“Now, just to get here, Liberty and Bell had to beat some tough odds, a competition. They had to work hard to show patience and be willing to travel over a thousand miles,” Biden said. “You could say even this is harder than getting a ticket to the Renaissance tour, or, or Britney’s tour she’s down in – it’s kind of warm in Brazil right now.”

Biden once again made an embarrassing gaffe during a public event. This one was made even worse because it followed several jokes he made about his age. The White House turkey pardon coincided with Biden’s 81st birthday.

Many have pointed out that Biden is the oldest man running for president. And many critics claim he is too old–both mentally and physically–to hold the office of president.

On his birthday, Biden made a number of jokes about his age. He then proceeded to fumble a line involving the tours of Beyonce and Taylor Swift. He talked about getting tickets for the “Renaissance tour” which is having a show in “Brazil.”

But the famed Renaissance tour, of pop superstar Beyonce, wrapped up in October. However, Taylor Swift’s “Eras Tour” is having a show in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. Biden further confused the two women when he mentioned “Britney,” perhaps a reference to pop star Britney Spears.

This is far the first time Biden’s made a confused gaffe in public. This is even more troubling when you consider his remarks are almost totally controlled by his handlers. Biden’s speeches are written by staff. And he is often given “cheat cards” with answers to questions by reporters.

Even with all this help, Biden seems unable to speak without making confused comments.

Source: Fox News