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Fani Willis Witness Bombshell Just Exploded – You Won’t Believe What He Just Admitted To


Fani Willis has a record of picking unique characters to help win her cases and she apparently uses RICO charges to go after a variety of defendants. Her strategies to date haven’t been as successful as her prosecutorial propaganda would suggest.

The embattled district attorney has employed a suspect special prosecutor in the case against former President Donald Trump and his co-defendants. Now she’s facing another disgraceful situation with a witness in another case.

Willis is going after a rapper using RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) Act charges. These are charges similar to the ones used against Trump and his allies. In both cases, Willis has had problems proving charges based on the people she selects in the trial and the rapper case is a whopper.

From the Daily Caller:
Adrian Bean, a witness for Atlanta District Attorney Fani Willis’s office in a trial of a rapper, admitted in court Tuesday that he was “so high” and “about to go to sleep,” Newsweek reported.

Bean was allegedly the getaway driver for the rapper Jeffrey Williams, whose stage name is Young Thug, and other defendants in an armed robbery, a shooting and a car chase in September 2013, the outlet noted.

Bean’s testimony is so crazy it’s almost not laughable. How did this guy get on the stand? He looked like he was about to pass out as he stared blankly at the attorney asking him questions. His hilarious reaction was caught on video by the Law & Crime Network.

“I’m so high right now, y’all, I’m about to go to sleep on y’all now. I am,” Bean could be heard saying after he asked for a glass of water during cross-examination.

After drinking the water and staring back at the attorney who asked him if he needed a minute, Bean replied, “Let’s keep the ball rolling.” Just watching this was enough to roll on the floor in laughter.

Willis’s office indicted Williams in May 2022 on RICO charges. Allegations are that the rapper was an important associate of Young Slime Life (YSL), an Atlanta street gang with ties to the Bloods, according to the report.

Bean’s performance on the witness stand has been less than compelling, according to the Law & Crime Network. He previously stated that his memory was impaired by his drug habits. The defense has claimed that police forced Bean’s testimony in a way that implicated their client. They even played audio from Bean possibly indicating that Williams wasn’t in the car during the shooting.

Willis brought the case to trial partly based on the lyrics of Williams’s songs, his posts on social media, and the clothing he was wearing. These allegedly support a racketeering conspiracy with the YSL. Prosecutors even pointed out his record label – YSL Records – as evidence.

The defense cleverly turned the prosecution’s allegations into something different. They painted a picture that the YSL in the company name stood for Young Stoner Life and the “Thug” in Young Thug stood for “Truly Humbled Under God.” They maintain that Williams is not involved in criminal activity.

Source: Daily Caller

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