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Fox News Anchor Breaks Disturbing Life News On Air


Fox News’ Charles Payne Reveals His Niece Was Hit By Stray Bullet On Street He Grew Up

Fox Business anchor Charles Payne made a startling revelation during an appearance on air Wednesday, disclosing that his niece fell victim to gun violence in Harlem just a few weeks ago.

Payne said the incident occurred on the very street where he himself grew up.

He expressed frustration and concern, explaining that while he no longer resides in the area, his niece found herself caught in the crossfire, along with a friend. 

She underwent a lengthy four-hour surgery at Harlem Hospital before being discharged on Monday, the New York Post reported.

“Two Mondays ago, my niece was shot on the street that I grew up on,” Payne said during an appearance on Fox & Friends.

“My niece was shot on the street that I grew up on!” he added. 

“She doesn’t even hang out there; she doesn’t live there on the block anymore, but a good friend of mine who I’ve known for 45 years, her son passed away, and they were having a memorial for him, and so these guys — the gang violence is on the rise so much, it’s so underreported — so they come around with their masks, they’re shooting crazy, one third floor apartment was all busted up,” he continued.

Payne asserted that his niece was a victim of a gang shooting, emphasizing her and her friend’s inadvertent entanglement in the incident. She was hit with a stray bullet, per the Post.

 “But this gang thing has really been amazing, I had no idea it was this bad. It’s really bad,” he elaborated.

Payne’s remarks came as he launched into a scathing critique of President Joe Biden’s recent move to wipe out $7.7 million in student debt. 

Biden revealed Wednesday that 160,000 Americans under the Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) plan would receive this erasure of debt, TTOA reported.

This plan emerged as a response to the Supreme Court’s 6-3 ruling in June 2023, which effectively blocked Biden’s previous attempt to grant student loan forgiveness to nearly 40 million Americans via executive action.

The recent move serves as an attempt to make good on a Biden campaign promise.

Payne vigorously asserted that college graduates, beneficiaries of this plan, enjoy a slew of advantages over their non-college-educated counterparts. 

College graduates are living in safety, have more money, live in nicer neighborhoods and live longer than their counterparts who did not attend college, Payne argued.

Payne has not been the sole Fox anchor to express his dismay with Democrat-led cities and their politics. 

Sean Hannity, as highlighted by The Hill, revealed earlier this year that he moved from New York to Florida because the sunshine state better aligns with his values.

“I’ve been threatening to do this for quite a while, but we are now beginning our first broadcast from my new home and that is in the free state of Florida,” Hannity said at the time. “I am out. I am done. I’m finished.”

Hannity emphasized, “And finally for the first time that I can think of in my adult life, I actually have representatives in the state that I’m living in that share my values.”

Hannity attributed the trend of individuals relocating from Democratic-led states to factors such as “high taxes, burdensome regulations, high crime [and] horrible school districts.”

The Fox host also remarked, “And if anything, I’m probably late and behind the curve and many others have made the move beforehand and there’s not a single person that I know, that made a move like this that is not happy that they’ve made it.”