utenti connessi Green Greta Gets the Ultimate Karma – You Won’t Believe What Happened to Her – Conservatives News

Green Greta Gets the Ultimate Karma – You Won’t Believe What Happened to Her


In recent years, we’ve seen radical climate alarmists go to great extremes to push their agenda. Some have tried to vandalize priceless works of art. Others even tried to destroy the U.S. Constitution.

But nobody has been more bothersome and irritating than Greta Thunberg. The activist became internationally famous when, as a little girl, she scolded world leaders for doing “nothing” about climate change.

Now, Thunberg is 21 and has not stopped pushing her Marxist/environmentalist agenda. She is a member of “Extinction Rebellion” a group of extremists who think they are saving the world through acts of protest. They recently caused a disruption at The Hague. This is the thanks Greta got for her troubles.

From Breitbart:
Radical green activist Greta Thunberg was arrested by police at The Hague on Saturday during an Extinction Rebellion protest over inaction on the supposed ‘climate crisis’.

Thunberg, 21, was among the first to be arrested as Extinction Rebellion (XR) activists blockaded the Zuid Hollandlaan road in the city centre of The Hague…

Extinction Rebellion, an international activist collective known for its use of disruptive tactics such as glueing themselves to roads in major European city centres, has been protesting the neo-liberal Dutch government for months over claims that its progressive climate change policies have not gone far enough while demanding an end to subsidies for fossil fuels.

Greta Thunberg was arrested after protesting at The Hague with Extinction Rebellion. The group was protesting the Dutch government for not going far enough in its already extreme climate policies.

It is typical for climate alarmists to never be happy. Even when governments bend over backward to accommodate this small group of activists, they are still outraged.

Thunberg is so extreme in her views, that she doesn’t even believe in air travel. She has taken ships to cross the ocean, in voyages that have taken weeks.

Most environmental activists are Marxists/socialists who are pushing for the take over of private wealth, industries, and land by the government. Their wild claims about the world “dying” are a front for pushing big government in its worst form.

But it seems Thunberg’s days in the spotlight are long over. World leaders don’t seem impressed with the girl, anymore. Instead, they appear to be increasingly irritated by her and her radical buddies.

Source: Breitbart