Hollywood Elite Exposed? Multiple Famous Actors Named in Unsealed Epstein Docs
The names of multiple A-list celebrities have come to surface among the hundreds of pages of Epstein court documents unsealed so far.
The files, which are part of a court case centered around Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre, mention multiple Hollywood stars. Here are just a few names that have appeared in the files:
- Leonardo DiCaprio
- Cameron Diaz
- Cate Blanchett
- Kevin Spacey
- Bruce Willis
Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the A-List Celebrities named in the Epstein Island documents that have been released.
Does this shock you? pic.twitter.com/Bq4mvmEEbL— Mia (@Mia909Mia) January 5, 2024
— Megatron (@Megatron_ron) January 4, 2024
⚡Hollywood stars mentioned in new Epstein documents
Case file revealed mentions of Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett, Cameron Diaz, Bruce Willis, and Kevin Spacey in connection with Epstein.
According to testimony:
Epstein "would be on the phone a lot at that time”… pic.twitter.com/1nTQ6OeyqQ
IMPORTANT NOTE: Now, simply being named in the Epstein court documents does not implicate anyone being involved in the billionaire pedophile’s shady dealings. After all, even Donald Trump was mentioned, but with no connection to any illegal activities.
Rather, the fact that so many A-listers have been mentioned does highlight just how connected Jeffrey Epstein was with Hollywood’s elite and how extensive his network of influential people was.
According to Epstein victim Johanna Sjoberg, Epstein would talk on the phone with celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio or Bruce Willlis while she was ‘massaging’ him…
Here’s a transcript of Sjoberg’s testimony concerning Jeffrey Epstein’s relationship with Hollywood celebrities:

Marca has more to say about big Hollywood stars being named in the Epstein court docs:
The documents contain dozens of celebrities’ and influential people’s names..
The Jeffrey Epstein case erupted back into life recently as a list of all the people who had visited his island was released to the public, prompting many on there to distance themselves from the scandal.
A judge in New York, named Loretta A. Preska, released more than 170 names connected to Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell and their Caribbean island and Long Beach homes as part of hundreds of files being declassified and released to the public.
Two of those names mentioned are Leonardo DiCaprio and Cameron Diaz, but other names include Prince Andrew, Stephen Hawking, Kevin Spacey, Cate Blanchett and Bruce Willis.
Whilst being on the list isn’t a slam-dunk to say any name there was involved with, or even knew about, what was really happening behind Epstein‘s closed doors, it isn’t something that anybody wants to be associated with.
For example, some witnesses recalled that Epstein, “Would be on the phone a lot at that time,” and once said, “Oh, that was Leonardo, or that was Cate Blanchett or Bruce Willis.”
It didn’t just include lists either, the documents had eye-witness accounts of who Epstein was talking with, who was present at the island and what they reportedly said and did and to underaged girls although it had been known from as early as 2005 that Epstein was connected to sexual relations with minors.
Pedestrian also commented on the context of these names being included in the unsealed files:
While a witness was being questioned on their conversations with Ghislaine Maxwell, the names of DiCaprio, Blanchett, Diaz, and Willis were all brought up during the cross examination.
The questioner asked if the witness ever met Blanchett or DiCaprio, which they deny, pointing out that Epstein had a habit for name-dropping while she would massage him.
“So you had not met Cate Blanchett or Leonardo DiCaprio?” Ask the questioner.
“I have not,” respond the witness.
They also go on to question if the witness had ever met Cameron Diaz, which the witness denies.
Throughout the 900+ unsealed pages, this is the only instance in which DiCaprio, Diaz, Willis, and Blanchett are mentioned — where the witness denies ever meeting them or that they had presence on Epstein’s island.