histats In Historic 5-4 Decision, Supreme Court Drops the Constitution on Trump’s Clean Water Act – Conservatives News

In Historic 5-4 Decision, Supreme Court Drops the Constitution on Trump’s Clean Water Act


Ever since Joe Biden entered office, he’s aggressively tried to undo Donald Trump’s achievements. We’ve seen how old Joe’s handled energy and the border. But that’s only for starters.

Biden has been going after every last Trump policy that helped the country thrive. That includes a rule that limits how states veto needed projects.

Biden’s federal government apparently wants states to be able to cancel projects whenever or however they wanted—and tried to shut down Trump’s rule. But the Supreme Court had something to say about that.

From The Hill:

The Supreme Court on Wednesday halted a prior court ruling that struck down a Trump-era rule limiting state and tribal authority to veto projects that could impact their waters, including pipelines.

The Trump rule in question, which was nixed by a federal court in October, limited states’ authority to block projects by giving them a strict one-year time limit to do so. If it did not meet this time limit, the government could determine that it had waived its veto power.

Trump’s Clean Water Act rule limited states’ ability to veto a project to one year. If they did not act during this time limit, a project—like a pipeline—could possibly continue.

But it seems like Biden wanted to end this rule, so that (most likely) liberal states could further shut down much-needed projects. It would be yet another way big government limited or crippled private industry.

In fact, in Washington and New York, Democrats used their power to shut down a gas pipeline and a coal shipping port.

The Supreme Court rejected a lower court ruling that ended Trump’s rule. In a 5-4 decision, they upheld Trump’s decision, giving companies a big win.

Of course, John Roberts, a Bush appointee, once again sided with the liberal wing of the court to dissent. It’s a wonder why Roberts is even considered a “conservative,” since in recent years he’s allied himself with leftists.

At least the conservative wing of the court held its ground.

Source: The Hill

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