contatore free Iowa SHOCKS CNN: 68% of Voters Believe Joe Biden STOLE 2020 Election – Conservatives News

Iowa SHOCKS CNN: 68% of Voters Believe Joe Biden STOLE 2020 Election


Even CNN is being forced to wake up and smell the roses…

Ahead of the Iowa Caucus tonight, the mainstream media outlet took an entrance poll asking voters the question: “Do you think Joe Biden legitimately won the 2020 election?”

68% – that’s over two-thirds – of respondents answered “No” to this question!

The poll’s results were announced on a live broadcast.

Take a look:

CNN’s announcer looks stunned as he reads the results of the poll on live TV.

Watch the clip of this moment here:

Here’s what CNN themselves reported about the entrance poll:

About half of Republican caucusgoers in Iowa identify with the MAGA movement, and few are willing to acknowledge President Joe Biden’s 2020 election victory as legitimate, according to the initial results of CNN’s entrance poll for the Iowa Republican presidential caucuses.

The results provide a glimpse of the type of voters turning out to participate in the first contest of the 2024 campaign. Roughly half identify themselves as part of the MAGA movement, referring to the “Make America Great Again” slogan popularized by former President Donald Trump in 2016.

And about two-thirds say they do not believe that Biden’s victory over Trump four years ago was legitimate. There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election.

MSNBC also conducted an exit poll, asking Iowa caucus-goers a similar question, with similar results: 66% of respondents said that they do not believe Joe Biden is the legitimate winner of the 2020 election.

Mediaite reported on MSNBC’s exit poll:

The networks called the Iowa Republican Caucus for former President Donald Trump just 30 minutes after voting began, but that didn’t stop the analysis! And over on MSNBC, it was obvious how pervasive Trump’s election lies have become according to an exit poll conducted by the network, as 66% said they do not believe President Joe Biden was legitimately elected in 2020.

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