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Mitch McConnell Gets Devastating News, Should He Just Call It Quits?


How does Mitch McConnell continue to be elected year in and year out by the people of Kentucky?

I have long wondered how one of America’s most reviled political figures carries so much political clout. McConnell has been around for ages, and is, in fact, the longest-serving Senate leader of all time.

Newly released polling information makes this even more puzzling. A recent Monmouth University poll found McConnell’s approval rating at a paltry 6%. This makes McConnell the least popular member of Congress.

WLTR previously reported that America’s least popular Congressman froze up not once, but twice while addressing the media.

Knowing all of this, is it time for Mitch McConnell to finally retire and leave public life behind? Let us know in the comments.

Fox News explained:

McConnell was the only congressional leader with a net negative approval rating from within his own party, and fell far behind his Democrat and Republican colleagues on how they are viewed by the American public.

Just 10% of Republicans said they approved of McConnell’s job performance, with 41% disapproving and 49% having no opinion.

Individuals online took the chance to joke and jeer about McConnell, but as with any joke, there is a deep truth to what these folks are saying.

Just The News confirmed:

McConnell’s disapproval rating of 60% is higher than any other congressional leader, according to a poll released Monday by Monmouth University.

More than one-third of Americans, 34%, said they do not have an opinion on the Kentucky Republican.