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President Biden Floored by Must-Win States – They Just Dropped Jaw-Dropping Verdict on Donald and Joe


Democrats were given a big out when the son of Robert Kennedy decided to run for president. It meant they didn’t have to support aging creeper, Joe Biden. But the liberal establishment seems to be ignoring RKF Jr.’s growing support. They might not even host a debate between him and Biden, even as Kennedy rises in the polls.

But they have a big problem on their hands. Democrats seem confident Joe can win, as long as they keep prosecuting Donald Trump. The more they keep indicting him, however, the more people seem to like 45. And now, a new battleground poll should have Democrats shaking in their boots.

From The Western Journal:

An Echelon Insights poll of likely voters in battleground states found that 48 percent of them probably or definitely would vote for former President Donald Trump if the election were held now, compared with 41 percent who would vote for Biden…

Significantly, in the 2020 presidential race, Biden defeated Trump in the key battleground states of Michigan, Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin — although Trump has questioned those results.

This is pretty interesting. In 2020, Biden “won” key battleground states to secure the election. But according to a new poll, those same battleground states would vote for Trump over old Joe, 48 to 41.

Those are some strong numbers in Trump’s favor. But are we at all surprised? Joe Biden has failed on nearly every issue. He has gone out of his way to hamstring the economy and give our money to foreign nations.

Biden’s administration is run by idiots. His family is mired in scandals and crimes. And the man appears to be losing his mind by the minute.

And Democrat who thinks he is the right choice to run this country is either out of their mind or just a big liar.

Battleground states are key in securing a presidential election. They can swing from one side to the other, based solely on how well a president has performed. These states might have turned on Trump in 2020, but only due to COVID.

Biden, on the other hand, has been a disaster. He literally has no accomplishments to boast about going into 2024, only big government spending, endless crises, an open border, and growing war overseas.

No wonder voters are turning on him.

Key Takeaways:

  • A new poll reveals battleground state voters prefer Trump over Biden.
  • The poll revealed Trump beating Biden 48 to 41.

Source: The Western Journal

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