histats Riley Gaines Puts Megan Rapinoe In Her Place: “Rapinoe would genuinely shiv any male who tried to take her spot on the US Women’s National Team” – Conservatives News

Riley Gaines Puts Megan Rapinoe In Her Place: “Rapinoe would genuinely shiv any male who tried to take her spot on the US Women’s National Team”


Former University of Kentucky swimmer Riley Gaines put Megan Rapinoe in her place after the former soccer star said:

“Politicians in DC are claiming to “protect women’s sports” by pushing a trans & intersex sports ban. Call your Congressional rep today to say women’s sports need protection from unequal pay, sexual abuse & lack of resources, NOT from trans kids.”

Gaines said: “It’s worth noting that 1) you’re done with your athletic career and 2) because you aren’t sexually attracted to men, it’s unlikely you will ever have a daughter to defend. To me, this looks like a classic case of virtue signaling because you have nothing to personally lose.

“I can respect opinions that differ from my own and everyone is entitled to think/speak

independently, but I can’t help but think Megan Rapinoe would genuinely shiv any male who tried to take her spot on the US Women’s National Team.”

Olympic gold medalist Donna de Varona praised Gaines saying:

“She’s got a lot of us veterans behind her. But where is middle America? Wake up, mothers and fathers, and start speaking out.

“Every young kid should have sports, but it doesn’t have to be in the women’s category in every sport.

“You see the New York City Marathon — everybody runs. What’s the problem? In fact, the marathon opened up a separate space for those that are nonbinary and don’t identify with their birth sex.

“But when you get to extreme sports, when you get to scholarships, when you get to fairness and safety, we have to come up with a reasonable way to deal with this population.

“There’s a way to include and not get involved in weaponizing this whole issue.

“You just have to look at the eligibility requirements in sports. You can’t take drugs to fit into a category. It’s simple.

“I don’t think you’d be seeing us dominate in the Olympics, nor would you see professional basketball, nor would you understand the foundational values that sports offer girls as they transition through life and find themselves in corporate America as leaders, as politicians, as astronauts. 

“It’s amazing what the sport experience can do for girls and women if they’re offered a fair and safe environment,” de Varona said.

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