histats See It: State Reveals New Flag After Old One Deemed Offensive – Conservatives News

See It: State Reveals New Flag After Old One Deemed Offensive


Minnesota Flag Redesigned After Old One Deemed Offensive

Minnesota has a new state flag — this follows complaints that the flag, originally designed in 1893, was offensive to Native Americans.

After four months of work and a budget of $35,000, a draft of the new flag was presented to the public last Friday.

Andrew Prekker, 24, of Luverne, designed the winning banner.

Flag design work was overseen by the State Emblems Redesign Commission. The recommended new flag features an “abstract image of Minnesota and a North Star with eight points,” according to a report in the Star Tribune.

The Tribune reported the commission will meet again next week to consider color variations to the flag. The committee has a Jan. 1 deadline to finalize their work.

Commission Chair Luis Fitch said: “The next generation will be raised with a new flag. It’s going to happen. We’re not going to be able to make everybody happy. The whole idea since day one was to make sure we can [create] a flag that unites us instead of separates us.”

Fitch reported that public input for the new flag was welcome, and more than 2,600 designs were considered. In the last two months, the commission narrowed flag and seal design options down to six and then three. The front-runner was revealed last Friday.

Fitch added: “Representatives of the North American Vexillological Association consulted with pro bono designers on several variations on the final concept, including one that eliminates green, white, and blue stripes from the flag and replaces it with a solid light blue color. That simple design would put Minnesota among the top-ranked flags in the nation among vexillologists,” according to the Tribune.

Flag designer Tyler Michaletz said: “When you get dressed for an event and get dressed up looking nice, look at yourself in the mirror after you’re done and ready to walk out the door and then remove one accessory. Good flag design is: get your design basically there and then dial it back one step.”

Minnesota, a state represented by progressive Rep. Ilhan Omar, a Muslim who has reprimanded the Biden administrated for supporting Israel in the Hamas-Israel-Palestinian conflict, will seemingly adopt a new flag reminiscent of the Palestinian flag.

Minnesota’s old flag depicted a white settler plowing a field with a Native American on horseback in the background. It was deemed offensive to indigenous people groups.

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