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State Supreme Court Makes Biden Sweat – Major Case Could Change Everything for Joe


What is it about universities that were once the home of free speech and seeking truth? Now these once grand halls of learning are openly protecting shady figures and promoting secrecy.

People are finally questioning where these vaults of secrets get money to operate. Pay a university enough hush money and its leaders will lock up the truth in darkness for all eternity.

One legal case has President Joe Biden sweating that more secrets may face the light of day. Inquiring minds want to know what Joe has been up to.

The Daily Caller News Foundation and Judicial Watch sued the University of Delaware for the release of Biden’s Senate records. That case, after three years of fighting, is set for review by the Delaware Supreme Court.

From The Daily Caller:

“No more obfuscation. No more excuses. It’s time for the University of Delaware to answer for its refusal to release Biden’s Senate records,” said Michael Bastasch, editor-in-chief of the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The DCNF requested agreements relating to the storage of 1,850 boxes and 415 gigabytes of records from 1973 to 2009, communications between university staff and Biden’s staff, log sheets of individuals who have visited the collection along with the records themselves.

What secrets does Biden not want this lawsuit to expose? If he was such an upstanding public servant for all those decades, he should want a public review of every action he took. The reality for Joe is that there could be links in these old records that point to vast corruption in public office.

Maybe it’s not Joe with something to lose. Maybe it’s someone he’s protecting or a current public figure with a dark past. Maybe it’s all the above… and more. The fact remains that all of Joe’s records while operating in the political world should face public scrutiny.

From The Daily Caller:

“The sketchy secrecy on the Biden Senate records and his deal with the University of Delaware need to end,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “And President Biden could end the dispute by simply releasing the details about his Senate records. What is Biden hiding?”

The university has strongly opposed the release of Biden’s records.

From The Daily Caller:

The university claimed public funds were not used to support the papers, arguing the documents requested in the April 30, 2020 Freedom of Information Act requests filed by both organizations were not subject to release. The DCNF and Judicial Watch filed an appeal brief with the Delaware Supreme Court in January 2023 after the Superior Court issued an opinion siding with the university.

The legal wranglings by the university may have held up long enough to shield Biden. The Daily Caller – which filed the original lawsuit in July 2020 – reported that the FBI searched the University of Delaware collection in February in connection with its investigation into President Biden’s handling of classified documents.

Biden likely bought another layer of secrecy via the FBI to protect his shadowy past. We only hope that the supreme court in a liberal-leaning state will stand with the people over the so-called scholars and their willingness to sell secrecy.

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden’s secrets face being revealed by public records request.
  • University of Delaware hiding thousands of Biden records.
  • Delaware Supreme Court to rule on case against university.

Source: The Daily Caller