histats Supreme Court Rules on Major Trump Case – They Just Handed Donald’s Administration a Historic Victory – Conservatives News

Supreme Court Rules on Major Trump Case – They Just Handed Donald’s Administration a Historic Victory


The Supreme Court has been the nation’s last line of defense against Biden’s radical agenda. In recent years, we’ve seen the court score major wins for Americans. And they’re not done yet. The court continues to hear cases that will affect nearly every last American.

Recently, a case was brought before the court that challenged a Trump-era policy. Biden left the policy alone, but groups within one industry tried to tear it down. But, in a unanimous decision, the court just handed Donald a big win.

From The Epoch Times:

The Supreme Court decided on March 27 to not take up an industry challenge to steel import tariffs that then-President Donald Trump imposed in 2018 on U.S. national security grounds…

The Supreme Court turned away the petition in USP Holdings Inc. v. United States, court file 22-565, in an unsigned order. The court didn’t explain its decision. No justices dissented from the order.

Woah. The Supreme Court refused to even hear a case challenging Trump’s 25% tariff on imported steel. The court didn’t explain its decision and none of the justices dissented, meaning they all were on board with this move.

Not even Joe Biden tried to mess with Trump’s tariffs. That should show you how critical this rule has been to help our economy. Back in 2018, Trump hammered China–which was dumping low-quality steel into the United States.

China was gaming the system, undercutting U.S. steel producers while getting rid of its inferior product. Trump balanced the playing field, by imposing a 25% tariff on all steel being brought into the United States.

It was moves like that from Trump that helped the American economy thrive. He put American businesses and workers first, instead of foreign nations and industries.

Sadly, this was the only time Biden backed a Trump-era move. Biden has gone out of his way to dismantle many other decisions made by Trump to protect American workers and industries. Thankfully, this won’t happen to at least one of our industries.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Supreme Court refused to hear a challenge to Trump’s steel import tariff.
  • Trump imposed a 25% tariff on all steel imports in 2018, including steel from China.
  • The tariff was aimed at helping U.S. steel producers compete against foreign products.
  • Not even the Biden administration was willing to end the Trump-era rule.

Source: The Epoch Times

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