contatore free TOP Election Lawyer Drops BOMBSHELL On MSNBC Host Live On National Television… Liberals FURIOUS [Vid] – Conservatives News

TOP Election Lawyer Drops BOMBSHELL On MSNBC Host Live On National Television… Liberals FURIOUS [Vid]


Our nation has been rife with instances of election fraud for many years now.

Electoral cheating has probably existed since the second election ever held, but now that Hillary Rodham Clinton is the Democrat presidential nominee, prepare for the most fraudulent, corrupt and dishonest if not outright criminal election process in the history of this country.

Eighty percent of all voters, and 77 percent of nonwhite voters, support requiring photo identification in order to cast a ballot, according to the latest Gallup poll, but Democrats relentlessly castigate Republicans for merely suggesting that all Americans must show a photo ID to vote.

Painting all minorities as so poor, inept, and disadvantaged that they cannot even procure a “free” State ID, they claim voter ID law is an evil racist Republican plot to disenfranchise black voters. Hillary herself stated that requiring voters to show the same ID they need to pick up prescriptions, board a flight, drive, apply for social safety net programs, purchase alcohol or cigarettes, open a bank account, or book at hotel room to vote is a “blast from the Jim Crow past.”

Lockinstep with the Democrat party, MSNBC anchor Tamron Hall attempted to dismiss claims of voter fraud as “extraordinarily rare” and “minuscule” on Monday when attorney and former Republican National Committee counsel Mark Braden shut her down.

Braden also called her out for citing statistics from liberal “advocacy group” that she labeled “nonpartisan.”

Kyle Drennen at Newsbusters reports:

Hall began the discussion by touting that slanted source: “We’ve cited this before, but I’ll remind people. According to a study by the nonpartisan Brennan Center – this is in 2007 – and they were discussing how extraordinarily rare voter fraud would be.” She added: “And looking at some of the numbers from different organizations, as well. Arizona State, for example, they found in 2012, just 2,000 cases of election fraud nationwide in the year 2000. So the numbers are minuscule.”

While Braden acknowledged that “our election system actually works quite well,” he immediately corrected her “nonpartisan” claim:

I wouldn’t call Brennan Center nonpartisan, I think they’re pretty much an advocacy group. But the notion that vote fraud doesn’t exist, is, of course, lunacy. People steal cars, people steal money, why anybody would think you wouldn’t steal votes is a mystery to me. Vote fraud is rare but it absolutely occurs, and sometimes occurs on a massive basis.

In fact, the Brennan Center’s so-called “Democracy Agenda,” spelled out on its website, is a left-wing wish list of supposed electoral “reforms,” among them: Overturning the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, establishing public financing of campaigns, and restoring voting rights to convicted felons.

Braden related a case of “massive” voter fraud from his own experience, recalling the 1982 Illinois gubernatorial race:

I did a recount in Illinois of the governor’s race. I went to the Chicago Board of Elections, where they explained to me that vote fraud was a Republican illusion. And a Chicago Times reporter explained the same thing to me. But when we got done with the recount, the grand jury report showed that 10% of the Chicago vote was made up on election night. That’s 110,000 votes. So the notion that vote fraud doesn’t happen is a joke. It does happen.

Hall condescendingly replied: “Well, I mean, listen, I think we all agree pretty much anything you can think of outside of a unicorn walking in the studio does happen. But does it have a significant impact that so should taint how we see our process?”

Well, we all know the Democrat motto – “Vote early, vote often, vote dead!”

Election fraud in California helped Hillary steal the Democratic nomination for the 2016 general election from Bernie Sanders. An investigation by CBS News’ Los Angeles-based affiliate, KCAL-9, has determined that “hundreds” of dead people are still voting in California.

Over 400 cases of voter fraud in all 50 states have resulted in criminal convictions in recent years according to a database compiled by The Heritage Foundation.

A recent voter fraud investigation by Fox News’ Eric Shawn proves that Barrack Obama absolutely would not have won the 2008 election without the help of election fraud in 2008. Shawn’s investigation found that Democratic operatives were convicted in April of 2013 for forging anywhere from 100-200 election petition forms that qualified Barrack Obama to enter the 2008 primaries.

From the Federal Election Commission to the FBI and ultimately the Justice Department itself, the Clintons and the Democrats  know that law breaking and and blatant attempts to steal the election will only lead to an “investigation.” In modern day Government terminology, “investigation” is simply a euphemism for “we intend to do nothing.”

Donald Trump has recently warned his supporters of likely voter fraud in the upcoming November election, commenting that “the only way Hillary Clinton can win Pennsylvania is by way of stolen votes.”

Trump has asked his supporters to volunteer as elections observers across the United States. Democrats claim Trump election observers will likely lead to intimidation of Clinton voters.

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