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Trump Vows to Erase Biden’s ‘Extreme Mandate’ – Joe’s Crazy Rule Will Disappear on Day 1


Joe Biden has continued his conquest to kill freedom and capitalism in America from day one in office. He has given billions to freeloading rich kids to pay their debts, given a free pass to illegal trafficking across the U.S. border, and attacked American consumers’ basic needs with historically high inflation.

Biden isn’t stopping there. This week he continued his rampage of the American economy with a stroke of the pen. He put his partisan plans ahead of the needs of Americans and grinned when he did it.

What he didn’t expect is the swift reaction from former President Donald Trump. Trump slammed Biden for his oppressive power move and pledged to stop him from succeeding.

Biden’s plan unveiled on Wednesday is designed to destroy the gas-powered car industry and force consumers to effectively drive government-mandated electric vehicles. Trump’s presidential campaign released a statement saying this can’t be allowed.

From The Daily Wire:
“President Trump will reverse Joe Biden’s extreme electric vehicle mandate on Day One,” a Trump campaign spokesperson said in a statement. “He will protect the freedom of Americans to drive whichever vehicle they choose, enhance President Trump’s tough tariffs on Chinese-imported cars, and save the U.S. auto industry for generations to come.”

“Joe Biden’s extreme electric vehicle mandate will force Americans to buy ultra-expensive cars they do not want and cannot afford while destroying the U.S. auto industry in the process,” the statement said. “This radical policy is anti-jobs, anti-consumer, and anti-American. It will destroy the livelihoods of countless U.S. autoworkers while sending the U.S. auto industry to China.”

Biden buckled under pressure from leftist environmentalists who demanded the tyrannical edict to eliminate combustion engine vehicles. The plan exposed how Biden is in league with radical groups working to cut carbon emissions from gasoline-powered vehicles.

The radical-leaning mouthpieces of Biden in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) claimed the plan would provide $100 billion in annual benefits in the U.S. while preventing more than 7 billion tons of carbon emissions. The EPA also claimed the rule will prevent “up to 2,500 premature deaths in 2055” and will reduce “heart attacks, respiratory and cardiovascular illnesses, aggravated asthma, and decreased lung function.”

Americans are struggling to make ends meet and Biden is placing another unbearable financial burden on people who will never be able to afford expensive electric vehicles. People must have affordable vehicles to get to school, the grocery store, and work.

American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers President and CEO Chet Thompson and American Petroleum Institute President and CEO Mike Sommers said in a joint statement that Congress must act to stop Biden’s plan to oppress hard-working Americans. They said Biden’s rule will eliminate most new gas cars and traditional hybrids from the U.S. market in less than a decade.

“This regulation will make new gas-powered vehicles unavailable or prohibitively expensive for most Americans,” the statement continued. “For them, this wildly unpopular policy is going to feel and function like a ban.”

Trump’s plan to eliminate Biden’s anti-American consumer vehicle ban must be eliminated day one if Trump wins reelection. Biden’s oppression of the people must be stopped.

Source: The Daily Wire

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