contatore free UPDATE: President Trump Reveals How He TRULY Feels About Nikki Haley – Conservatives News

UPDATE: President Trump Reveals How He TRULY Feels About Nikki Haley


I couldn’t think of something more out of touch and off base than for President Trump to select Nikki Haley for VP.

Simply put, we hate Neocon Nikki—she represents everything wrong with Washington D.C. and the GOP establishment, and this isn’t simply my opinion. Just say the name in MAGA circles and you will be booed out of the room.

The right-wing populist movement does not want endless wars and blank checks to Lockheed Martin. The MAGA base wants common-sense policies that place America and her middle class first.

This means no completely unjustified hobby wars, paid for through devaluing the currency and hollowing out the middle class.

No one in Vietnam, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Iran, or Russia ever did anything to us, so why bomb their countries? Moreover, in so much as we have engaged in wars against these countries the effects have been disastrous back home.

Nikki Haley can’t seem to wrap her small opportunist mind around this. The base is not with her, we don’t want Dick Cheney in three-inch heels as Vivek Ramaswamy said.

Haley, whose real name is Nimrata, wants you and me to be forced to use our real identities online. She wants digital ID and likely has Klaus Schwab on speed dial.

But enough about her, President Trump recently had this to say about Nikki Haley, something tells me she will not be his pick for Vice President:

Here’s what Politico had to say:

Former Trump chief strategist Steve Bannon, who warned attendees at a conservative conference last weekend that the GOP hierarchy would try to push Trump to pick Haley, told POLITICO that the former ambassador used “outdated Republican talking points” and embraced “Fox News-laundered neoliberal neocon policies that MAGA finds unacceptable.”

Steve Bannon recently exclaimed: “I believe President Trump will have a female. When people pitch Scott and Carson and Carlson they’re all terrific but we have to look at that 10-person list of females. It’s important it’s not Nikki Haley.”

Political candidate Christian Lamar explained: “Nikki Haley doesn’t have momentum. That’s a distraction. Hear what Steve Bannon says below. President Trump will be 2024 POTUS (R) nominee. RINOs are making money/fees, while Republican AZ state legislature (including WI/GA) do zero about stolen elections!”

Even Donald Trump Jr. has gone on the offensive against Haley, according to Newsweek:

“I wouldn’t have her and I would go to great lengths to make sure that that doesn’t happen,” the younger Trump told Newsmax’s Eric Bolling.

“Nikki Haley wants never-ending wars. She’s a puppet of the establishment in Washington, D.C. She’s the new favorite candidate of the billionaire class because they want control—no different than academia and Harvard and using their billions to exercise influence.”

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