histats Latina Democrat Backs DeSantis, Warns ‘Smug Liberals’: “If they won’t go to the border, bring the border to them” – Conservatives News

Latina Democrat Backs DeSantis, Warns ‘Smug Liberals’: “If they won’t go to the border, bring the border to them”


Gloria Romero, a Latina Democrat and former Majority Leader of the California State Senate called out “smug liberals” and defended Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for bringing the border to Martha’s Vineyard. She said:

“I am a Democrat and the former Majority Leader of the California State Senate. The first woman to ever hold that position. I am also a proud Latina.

I am telling you that if the Democratic party thinks that Latinos are outraged by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis sending migrants to Martha’s Vineyard – they are dead wrong!

More than two million undocumented immigrants will be arrested trying to cross into the U.S. in 2022.

And Democrats don’t bat an eye.

But fly 50 migrants to one of the wealthiest places in America, spotted with multi-million dollar mansions, surrounded by the mega-yachts of the rich and famous and Democrats lose their minds?

What a joke!

On Friday, the governor of Massachusetts dispatched the National Guard to whisk away these 50 migrants to a military base in Cape Cod that once housed hurricane disaster victims.

But what about the hundreds of migrants sleeping on the street of El Paso, Texas? Or the countless other migrants, sleeping outside in cities and towns across the U.S./Mexico border?

Overwhelming rural, poor, and largely Latino communities along the southern border are expected to absorb the costs of unprecedented migratory streams in a wide-open border, but Martha’s Vineyard cannot?

Spare me!

This Democratic stronghold — where the Obamas now reside — couldn’t stomach having 50 brown migrants in their midst without declaring an emergency and shipping them out of town within 24 hours.

Liberals want open borders – just not in their immaculate backyards.

While smug liberals and virtue-signaling progressives pretend that their immigration policies are ‘compassionate,’ Latinos know they are just cruel, naked politics.

Good for Governor DeSantis, and Governor Greg Abbott in Texas and Governor Doug Ducey in Arizona for sending this powerful message by making Democrats shoulder their ‘fair share’ of the burden of a broken immigration system.

After all, isn’t it the Democrats who scream about the rich shouldering their ‘fair share’?

recently, Democrats in south Texas were stung when one of the strongest Democratic-controlled seats overwhelmingly voted for a Trump-supporting Latina Republican, Mayra Flores, to defeat their handpicked Democrat.

Predictably, the campaign of the Democratic challenger to Rep. Flores called her ‘Miss Frijoles’.

This was the first time in over a century that a solid Democratic district with an overwhelming Latino electorate had turned their backs on the Democratic Party. And this won’t be the last time.

The Latino agenda is an American agenda.

We want opportunity—not guaranteed outcomes. We want prosperity—not a redistribution of wealth. We want our values respected—not ridiculed.

We celebrate motherhood—not Birthing Peoplehood (in fact, Latinos of Mexican descent celebrate two Mother’s days!).

Latinos may be divided on reproductive rights, but overwhelmingly reject infanticide and growing Democratic support for abortion on demand even up to birth.

Latinos are entrepreneurial— we believe in the American Dream—and value citizenship.

While we want the respect of the authorities, we reject the radical ‘defund the police’ movements as we tend to be disproportionate victims of violent crime.

Latinos have had enough of being used as pawns.

We love our country, value citizenship, want a fair immigration system, and protected by secure borders on all shores. There’s nothing ‘racist’ about that. Good for you DeSantis – keep the flights coming.

“If they won’t go to the border, bring the border to them,” she said.

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