histats “After Threats, AOC Twitter Parody Account Goes Down” – Conservatives News

“After Threats, AOC Twitter Parody Account Goes Down”


As I reported previously, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, or, if you will, Alexandria Occasional Cortex, as I’ve heard Michael Savage refer to her, has been spending her time in public service recently complaining about a parody account and implicitly threatening legal action to get it taken down.

Shortly after my initial reporting, the account on Elon Musk’s “free speech” platform got memory-holed.

Via Forbes:

A parody account mocking New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was deactivated on Friday after it had gained tens of thousands of new followers and even attached the attention of Elon Musk.

Twitter has not responded to media requests for comment.

However, the account had been in the spotlight in recent days after Ocasio-Cortez warned her followers to beware of the parody account (@AOCpress).

This woman is ensconced in wealth and non-stop, taxpayer-funded security. The entire corporate state media fawns over her as some sort of Person of Color™ reincarnation of Slay Queen RBG. If she keeps up her performance and stays obedient to the Deep State, she’s probably going to get the presidential nomination when she’s old enough.

Yet, a Twitter parody account is too much for her to abide in the land of the free.

Continuing, Forbes frames parody, a recognized form of legitimate speech, as an “attack” because something, something… misinformation:

The fact that the fake AOC account had been “verified” – even as it was noted to be a parody – likely confused some users on the social media service. The New York lawmaker probably won’t be the last high-profile user who will have to deal with a fake account spreading misinformation via Twitter or other platforms.

“Expect to see a lot more of these types of attacks, but not necessarily because of any new inherent technological weakness, but because of this cyber terrain they have now enjoyed some success and infamy,” warned John Hale, professor at the University of Tulsa Online Master of Science in Cyber Security program.

“These kinds of attacks prey on our neurons, not our computer’s silicon or software,” Hale continued. “They are technology-resilient, exploiting the weakest link in the chain – the human, which at any moment can be inattentive to or ignorant of prevalent threats.

As I’ve argued elsewhere in the context of the platform censoring the COVID lab leak theory even at this late date when the overwhelming preponderance of evidence validates it, Twitter is the de facto public square. Communications from American citizens on it should be protected by Constitutional provisions regarding free speech, and these protections should include parody accounts — particularly when, as in the case of the AOC parody account, the word “parody” is featured prominently in the title as “parody.”


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