utenti connessi JUST IN: Disgraced PERVERT EX-CNN Anchor Lands New Gig… LOOK WHERE- It’s A DISGRACE – Conservatives News



NewsNation, a useless cable TV channel with basically no audience has hired a liberal pile of trash, Chris ‘Fredo’ Cuomo who got fired from CNN for many reasons including sexual harassment scandals and allegedly using his press connections to aid the defense of his embattled older brother, then-New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo during the COVID debacle which is still being investigated.

Fredo Cuomo will reportedly make around $1 million a year with this unknown start-up news outlet compared to the estimated $6 million a year for his “Cuomo Prime Time” show on CNN which sucked.

Fredo is an as*hole with an ego as big as his brothers nostrils.

“I don’t think he had a lot of leverage,” said one source, referring to Cuomo’s contract. “He’s damaged goods.”

The plugged-in media source speculated that Cuomo wasn’t getting any offers from any of the big networks — and that the longer he wasn’t on TV, the more irrelevant he was becoming, New York Post reports.

Cuomo revealed his comeback bid on Dan Abrams’ NewsNation show Tuesday night. The news marked the first time Cuomo has appeared on TV since being canned from CNN last year.

“I had decided that I can’t go back to what people see as ‘the big game,’” Cuomo told Abrams last night. “I don’t think I can make a difference there. I think we need insurgent media. I think we need outlets that aren’t fringe and just trying to fill their pockets.”

But a second source echoed that Cuomo appeared to be “out of options” and that the anchor’s fall from grace has landed him on the young network that is keeping costs low as it expands, sources said.

Adding insult to injury, Cuomo’s new job doesn’t include a clothing allowance or paid-for flights from his house in the Hamptons to the studio like his old job had, according to sources close to the situation.


Currently, NewsNation has a mix of news and reruns that are averaging around 85,000 total viewers a day. NewsNation’s highest-rated show is cop drama “Blue Bloods,” which averages around 350,000 total viewers an episode, while the primetime slate pulls in an average of 50,000 viewers nightly.

FAKE NEWS apparently considering the people that they have hired including Fredo, Alexandra “Dusty” Cohen, a former producer on “The View,” anchors like Abrams, who worked for Communist run media outlets like NBC and ABC News, and former CNN anchor Ashleigh Banfield. It recently tapped Michael Corn, the former “Good Morning America” producer who was embroiled in a sexual harassment suit that was recently dropped, as president of news programming.

What a group of liberal scumbags. It’s a freaking joke!

Check this out!

Last week, Abrams’ 9 p.m. show averaged around 54,000 viewers while Banfield’s 10 p.m. show brought in just 33,000.

“The ratings are less than local news,” a source said.

“They’re horrendous,” added another, noting that Corn “got a bargain in Chris Cuomo.”

“If Cuomo doubles the ratings to 100,000,” the hire will “be worth it,” the source concluded.

Still, an audience of 100,000 is a fraction of what Cuomo used to pull. His 9 p.m. show on CNN nabbed nearly 2 million total viewers in 2020 and around 1 million total viewers on average in its last year. Even when Cuomo’s ratings began to tumble after after the resignation of his brother, who was accused of sexual harassment by multiple women, he still pulled in nearly 700,000 total viewers, The NY Post reports.

Nevertheless, for Cuomo, it’s not necessarily all about dollars and cents in the end, according to one source.

“Chris has a huge ego,” the source added. “He loves to hear himself talk.”

Well, Fredo will be spewing his steroid driven trash to a hell of a lot less kool-aid drinking leftist braindead idiots.


This sick freak is suing CNN for $125 million in damages after he was fired for his own sexual harassment scandal and allegedly using his press connections to aid the defense of his embattled older brother.

What a joke.


This dude is a pompous liberal scumbag.

Screw him.

